Tomislav Krnic, Developer in Ghent, Belgium
Tomislav is available for hire
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Tomislav Krnic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Ghent, Belgium
Toptal Member Since
October 12, 2012

Tomislav是一名拥有20多年经验的全栈开发人员和设计师. 他最近专注于React Native移动开发和实时数据库. He has founded or co-founded six businesses with three successful exits. 他以建立完整解决方案并取得切实成果的良好记录而自豪.


CityX Apps
Firebase, React Native, iOS, Android, React, api,卡支付,支付api...
Yahn Enterprises, LLC
React Native, Firebase, iOS, Android, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Startup Consulting...
React Native, UI设计,UX设计,Firebase, Firebase实时数据库,api...




Preferred Environment

React Native, Firebase, User Interface (UI), Startups, Unique Business Ideas, CSS, Full-stack, UI Design

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
CityX Apps
  • CityX是一家专注于智慧城市应用解决方案的公司,担任创始人兼CTO. 该应用程序在12个国家的50多个城市可用,并已被翻译成10种语言. The app consists of a collection of APIs and open data.
  • 找到了如何在智慧城市空间制作最大应用程序的答案. Brought the idea to life, including contributing to designing the system architecture, leading developers, and creating the entire UI/UX.
  • 发布了CityX应用程序,这是一个功能齐全的应用程序,可在商店中获得. Many AI solutions have reduced the need for an oversized team. Quarterly growth is approximately 200%.
  • Utilized my skills, encompassing React Native, Firebase, React, Node.js、UI/UX、Google Cloud、支付解决方案、大量API集成和云功能.
  • 创建了一个MVP应用程序,作为垂钓者的太阳预报,并有一个集成的地图,可以选择直播钓鱼和位置. 通过集成的人工智能,该应用程序可以从照片中识别鱼的类型.
技术:Firebase, React Native, iOS, Android, React, api,卡支付,支付api, Node.js, Mobile Design, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Mobile Development, Startups, Web & Mobile Applications, Cross-platform, Front-end Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Mobile, Push Notifications, REST APIs, TypeScript, Live Chat, Mobile Applications, ChatGPT, Full-stack Development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), OpenAI, App UI, App UX, UX Design

Full-stack Developer - React Native Mobile

2023 - 2023
Yahn Enterprises, LLC
  • Developed a mobile application within the planned timeframe, 从一个客户的想法变成一个功能齐全的产品,为用户获取做好准备.
  • Performed full-stack development, UI/UX, and logo design.
  • Built the application with React Native and Firebase. The app is published in App Store.
Technologies: React Native, Firebase, iOS, Android, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Startup Consulting, Full-stack Development

Full-stack Mobile Developer

2020 - 2022
  • Developed a mobile app from Entrio, the most prominent Croatian event-ticketing company with over 1,200 events per year and over 280,000 tickets.
  • 从头开始构建一个React Native应用程序,作为一个票据扫描器,连接到一些非SQL和SQL数据库的服务器.
  • 参与开发包含多种解决方案的React Native应用程序, including communication between scanners, offline mode, and tons of logs. Event organizers could hire Entrio to ensure a smooth process.
Technologies: React Native, UI设计,UX设计,Firebase, Firebase实时数据库,api, Scanning, Ticketing, Ticket Systems, Events, Event Ticketing, SQL, SQLite, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Figma, Mobile Development, Front-end Development, Mobile App Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Mobile, Push Notifications, REST APIs, TypeScript, Cross-platform, Mobile Applications, Full-stack Development

Co-founder | CTO and Full-stack Mobile Developer

2018 - 2020
  • Worked on Grga, 与餐厅和酒吧相关的支付和订购流程的移动应用程序. 该应用程序提供了连接5万多台收银机的解决方案. One solution enables users to make orders and pay with a QR code.
  • 设计系统,制作手机app和UI/UX,连接支付网关. Worked on it for a little over two years; millions were paid without any mistakes or wrong orders, and I have a reason to be satisfied with the project.
  • Completed the project and after a successful exit, Grga still exists within a large multinational company.
Technologies: Firebase, React Native, CSS, iOS, Android, Payment APIs, Credit Card Processing, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Mobile Development, Startups, Front-end Development, Mobile App Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Mobile, Push Notifications, REST APIs, TypeScript, Cross-platform, Mobile Applications, Full-stack Development

Co-founder and Senior Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2018
  • Created an application for Touchmoon, 这是一个要求很高的项目,旨在代表新一代移动信使. The application has multiple unique solutions and features like animations, strong security, and custom games.
  • Created the functional UI/UX and the web part of the project.
  • Touchmoon发布后,这款应用有了一个良好的开端,获得了很好的评价,并被媒体提及.
Technologies: React, React Native, PHP, MySQL, APIs, HTML5, CSS, Design, Firebase, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Startups, Front-end Development, Mobile App Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Mobile, Push Notifications, REST APIs, Live Chat, Mobile Applications, Full-stack Development

Senior Front-end Developer

2012 - 2016
  • Developed the front end and responsive design as my role for the project.
  • Worked for FragranceX, one of the biggest US-based eCommerce stores. 网络上的每一个“像素”都很重要,我对细节的关注脱颖而出.
  • Optimized the user interface and experience; developed the JavaScript front-end solutions and created a fully responsive web.
Technologies: HTML5, Sass, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, Full-stack Development

Senior Front-end Developer

2014 - 2014
  • 设计开发公司网站,改进响应式网站的UI/UX.
  • 项目使用的技术包括HTML、CSS、jQuery、JavaScript和Sass.
  • Built LogoGarden, an online logo creation for your business with over 2.5 million custom logos made. Users can create their logos fast and for free.
Technologies: HTML5, Sass, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development

Senior Front-end Developer

2013 - 2013
Rock Lobby (via Toptal)
  • Developed a custom CMS solution.
  • Developed UI/UX elements using jQuery.
Technologies: MySQL, PHP, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development

Front-end Developer

2012 - 2013
Rise Events (via Toptal)
  • Developed four websites for this Washington D.C.-based real estate company.
  • 基于相同的风格,设计了四个相互连接的网页,但变化不大.
  • Created a jQuery/GoogleMap system to display location on mouseover.
Technologies: Google Maps API, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Web Design, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development

Front-end Developer

2012 - 2013
Eminent Domains/IMissYou (via Toptal)
  • Created a strong and user friendly front-end with many jQuery features.
  • 建立了一个美丽的,但技术上复杂的布局与照片/视频/Twitter/Facebook/消息和模型放在砖石组成的组合.
Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development

Senior Web Developer

2012 - 2012
Design Theorem/oMiami (via Toptal)
  • 处理项目定稿,解决在地图上连接滚动事件和指向位置的问题.
  • Took care of various advanced CSS tasks.
Technologies: jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development

Owner, Senior Web Developer (Code and Design)

2001 - 2012
Studio Cro-Design
  • Created a photo community site independently with over 13,000 users in the Croatian photography community. Received numerous recognitions and included over 800 themed competitions. Looked into expanding the site to the US market.
  • 为大型食品配送公司Mars创建B2B图像共享系统. Designed initially for Mars Croatia, but later expanded to Mars Europe. 包括自动映像准备、zip文件创建和下载管理.
  • Developed a CMS for a real estate agency, including multi-language support and a best property search features.
  • 编写了一个完全自动化的系统,使用Expedia API预订酒店和航班.
  • Created a small corporate web page with a clean design displaying a simple, custom CMS and moderate use of jQuery and Flash.
Technologies: CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, REST APIs, Full-stack Development

Co-founder, Web Project Manager, Senior Developer

2009 - 2011
  • 独立开发电子版杂志、图书、报纸的排版和销售系统. Won recognition from Forbes magazine as a great internet business project.
Technologies: CSS, Ajax, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, MySQL, PHP, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack, UI Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, Full-stack Development

Touchmoon Messenger

This is a mobile messenger of the new generation.

I acted as a co-founder for this project, developing front- and back-end services, app games, and many other features that I created over 3+ years of hard work.

Grga - Mobile Ordering and Payment App
A mobile payment app available in many cafes in Croatia.

我是克罗地亚许多咖啡馆都有的移动支付应用的联合创始人和全栈移动开发者. 这款应用在App Store排名前十,拥有超过100家商店和9000名用户.

• React Native
• Redux
• Cash register connection
• Payment system (accepting all major credit cards)
• QR reader
• Firebase authentication, messages, analytics, function/back-end
• Notifications
• API Connect
• App Store and Google Play

Undiet Tracker

An app, built in React Native, for weight loss motivation and tracking. 我提出了应用程序的想法,处理编码,并设计了UI/UX.

• React Native
• Redux
• Notifications
• App Store and Google Play
• Landing page

Development time: 25 days

The app is available at:

AirQuality and Weather Chat
•空气质量覆盖超过1000个城市的11,000多个世界站点. Live data covers all relevant air quality information for all pollutants.
• Live weather data, 200,000 cities
• Chat, based on the nearest measuring station

• React Native
• Redux
• Firebase authentication, messages, analytics, function/back end
• Notifications
• API connect
• App Store and Google Play
• Landing page

Development time: 20 days

Fishing Pro App
I was actively involved in developing the Fishing Pro app, a comprehensive tool designed for fishing enthusiasts and casual anglers. 该应用程序的特点是基于太阳的日历预测最佳捕鱼时间和一个复杂的跟踪器记录捕捞活动. 用户可以与社区分享他们的经验,增强社会参与度.

A notable innovation is the AI-enabled fish recognition tool, which provides details like size, weight, and catch difficulty. My role extended to integrating in-app purchases and subscriptions, leveraging 3rd-party services for improved sales efficacy, 监督应用程序的UI/UX设计,以确保用户友好的体验. Using Redux and Firebase, the app was developed as a robust MVP, blending technology with the outdoor fishing adventure.
2001 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in IT Engineering

Polytechnic University of Zagreb - Zagreb, Croatia


PHP, HTML5, Sass, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, TypeScript, CSS3


React Native, Redux, Smarty


jQuery, API Development, React, REST APIs, Mapbox API, Google Maps, Facebook API, Twitter API, Amazon FPS, Node.js, Google Maps API


Adobe Photoshop, ChatGPT, Adobe Illustrator, Figma


UX Design, Mobile Design, UI Design, Mobile Development, Cross-platform


Firebase、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Mobile、Mapbox、iOS、Android、Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Industry Expertise

Web Design


JSON, MySQL, Firebase Realtime Database, SQLite


Pixel Perfect, Graphic Design, Ajax, User Interface (UI), Icon Design, APIs, Web Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, User Experience (UX), Software Development, Full-stack, Startups, Card Payments, Payment APIs, Credit Card Processing, Design, Development, Scanning, Ticketing, Ticket Systems, Events, Event Ticketing, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Web & Mobile Applications, Mobile App Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Push Notifications, Mobile Applications, Startup Consulting, OpenAI, App UI, App UX, Full-stack Development, Live Chat, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Maps, Unique Business Ideas

Collaboration That Works

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