Ralph Khreish, Developer in Le Mesnil-le-Roi, France
Ralph is available for hire
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Ralph Khreish

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Le Mesnil-le-Roi, France
Toptal Member Since
October 20, 2022

Ralph is a passionate web developer specializing in eCommerce. 他喜欢在敏捷环境中从事复杂且具有挑战性的项目. With his solid background in working with and leading diverse teams, Ralph使用他的编码知识来解决可以通过自动化轻松解决的大问题,以便公司的其他人可以专注于他们的手艺.


Club Med
Backbone.js, React, JavaScript, Hapi.js, Joi, REST, Next.js, React Query, Axios...
PCA Skin
Node.js, React, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Emotion Library...
NU4 Automation




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DataGrip, Yarn workspace, TypeScript, React, Express.js, GraphQL, Next.js

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Full-stack Web Developer

2022 - PRESENT
Club Med
  • 带领三人团队构建和维护Club Med的内容管理系统(CMS). I also handled the website CMS and the mobile app CMS.
  • 处理与全球52个营销团队和500个活跃用户的沟通,管理他们的功能请求和漏洞.
  • Monitored Kibana regularly for any bugs and inconsistencies.
  • Managed the CMS with more than a million weekly requests.
Technologies: Backbone.js, React, JavaScript, Hapi.js, Joi, REST, Next.js, React Query, Axios, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, ELK (Elastic Stack), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DataGrip, Yarn Workspaces, GraphQL, Databases, Relational Databases, Agile Software Development, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Responsive UI, Tailwind CSS, Cypress, Redux, CSS3, HTML5, Sass, Docker, APIs, Vanilla JS, Full-stack, Web Development, Agile, Leadership, JavaScript Libraries, Architecture, Software Architecture, REST APIs, eCommerce, CircleCI, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Front-end, SQL, GitHub, MERN Stack, Figma, Vue, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Git, Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Data Visualization, Back-end, CI/CD Pipelines, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Webhooks, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Responsive Web Apps, Containerization, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Jest, OpenID Connect (OIDC), Microservices, Sentry, Front-end Development, Strapi, Forms, Web Applications, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Bootstrap 5, Full-stack Development, SDKs, eCommerce APIs, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Full-stack Developer

2024 - 2024
PCA Skin
  • 开发了一个全面的网络应用程序,使用户能够创建和管理微型网站, 使用户工作效率提高40%,并简化了站点部署流程.
  • 集成的Zod验证模式,用于同步用户输入的前端和后端验证, 将数据完整性提高25%,并将用户提交内容的处理错误减少50%.
  • 使用Okta和Gigya实现授权和身份验证中间件, 增强应用程序安全性,将未经授权的访问事件减少90%以上.
  • 使用材质UI为动态仪表板制作用户界面和用户体验, which led to a 35% improvement in user engagement and satisfaction ratings, achieved without external design assistance.
Technologies: Node.js, React, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Emotion Library, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud, Material UI, Prisma, React Email, Axios, CORS, Express.. js,身份验证,授权,XML, SAP, Formidable, Helmet, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Next.js, Passport.. js, React Query, TypeScript, Zod Schema, Zustand,剧作家,Storybook, ESLint, GraphQL

Full-stack SaaS Developer (via Toptal)

2023 - 2024
NU4 Automation
  • 在前端创建表单模板,使高级表单构建更快.
  • Tracked and developed the project and Gantt using Monday.com.
  • Deployed the project using AWS CloudFormation. 创建了由两个Amazon ECS实例(前端和后端)提取的ECR.
  • 开发无服务器模块,基于用户未优化流程异步生成优化流程的AI响应.
  • Created a user-friendly diagram from the AI response. This diagram was displayed in Mermaid. Also provided a Markdown handbook generated by AI.
  • 为OpenAI助手API设计一个复杂的提示,以便它以包含Mermaid图和Markdown手册的JSON格式响应.
  • 允许用户以PDF格式打印React显示,以便他们能够获得ai生成的响应的易于理解的格式.
Technologies: JavaScript,表单,画布,Web应用,图表,用户界面(UI), User Experience (UX), TypeScript, Amazon Route 53, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS ALB, Amazon RDS, PostgreSQL, AWS Lambda, Lambda Functions, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), GitHub Actions, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Django, Python, GraphQL, GraphQL Code Generator, Graphene-Django, Graphene, Apollo, React Apollo, WebSockets, Pytest, OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4 API, OpenAI Assistants API, Sentry, Contentful, Serverless, Boto 3, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Radix UI, Ramda, Tailwind CSS, Monday.com

Senior Shopify Developer

2023 - 2023
A2 Media
  • 把Shopify变成一个复杂的CMS产品,专辑,艺术家,歌曲列表等., allowing teams to customize information using no-code.
  • 与内部API沟通,生成超过10首的演职人员和曲目列表,000 albums and over 60,000 collaborators.
  • 利用Shopify的专业知识,让公司在几乎不可能的时间内推出, resulting in revenue generation much quicker.
  • 在软发行(在Shopify网站上发行)和硬发行(在Next上发行)期间,建议解决方案的每一步.js storefront).
  • Configured the boilerplate environment for the Next.js storefront, including TypeScript, Storybook, Next.js, Tailwind, ESLint, Prettier, Vercel, GraphQL, and Jest.
  • 设置一个自定义的Shopify应用程序,监听创建的产品,并使用Shopify webhook和内部REST API自动填充它们的数据.
  • 实现了一个AWS实例设置,利用连接到ECR的ECS来拉取和运行Docker映像.
Technologies: GitHub, TypeScript, React, Shopify, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, GraphQL, Shopify API, Versal, Node.js, Queueing Theory, REST APIs, Storybook, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, Auth0, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Git, Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Back-end, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Webhooks, Responsive Web Apps, Containerization, Liquid Template, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Vercel, Sentry, Trello, Front-end Development, Web Applications, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack Development, SDKs, eCommerce APIs, Shopify Liquid

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2022
  • Developed a back office for vendors to check their analytics, orders, disputes, and other vendor-related marketplace features using Material UI.
  • Tracked bugs and features with a Jira project management tool.
  • Worked in two-week sprints as part of an Agile development team, involving retrospectives to measure what went wrong, what went well, and what we could do to improve, conducting sprint planning meetings to plan and estimate upcoming sprints.
  • 组织研讨会,帮助培训React和TypeScript的后端开发人员,同时作为7人开发团队的一部分工作, two front-end and five back-end developers.
技术:TypeScript, TypeScript 2, TypeScript 3, Yarn工作区,Yarn, Next.js, GraphQL, React, Apollo, React Apollo, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DataGrip, Databases, Relational Databases, Agile Software Development, Lean Project Management, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Responsive UI, CSS3, HTML5, Sass, Chart.js, Docker, APIs, Jira, Vanilla JS, Web Development, Agile, JavaScript Libraries, PHP, Symfony, Architecture, Software Architecture, REST APIs, eCommerce, Material UI, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Front-end, SQL, GitHub, MERN Stack, Single-page Applications (SPA), MySQL, Git, Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Data Visualization, Back-end, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Responsive Web Apps, Containerization, Jest, Microservices, Front-end Development, Forms, Web Applications, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Full-stack Development, SDKs, Storybook, Internationalization, Translation

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2021
Stork Marketing
  • 开发了一个谷歌Chrome扩展,已下载超过一千次.
  • 领导项目的冲刺计划,同时管理一个两人的团队.
  • 创造了一种复杂的技术,只需一个段落,就能决定任何广告服务提供商对其感知良好或不良的质量和机会.
Technologies: React, TypeScript 3, TypeScript, TypeScript 2, Redis, PostgreSQL, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DataGrip, Next.js, Databases, Relational Databases, Agile Software Development, Axios, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Responsive UI, CSS3, HTML5, Sass, APIs, Vanilla JS, Full-stack, Web Development, JavaScript Libraries, Architecture, REST APIs, eCommerce, Front-end, SQL, GitHub, MERN Stack, Single-page Applications (SPA), Chrome Extensions, Git, Back-end, Responsive Web Apps, Front-end Development, Web Applications, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), SDKs

Axe Post-purchase Upsells | Shopify App

A React and Node.js app for post-purchase upsells on Shopify. I was the front-end developer and coordinated with the back-end developer, using the Shopify API to display a drag-and-drop page builder, an analytics page, and a homepage on the Shopify merchant back-end portal.

Upsell Checkbox | Shopify App

A React and Node.js upsell app on Shopify. 我是全栈开发人员,使用Shopify API为用户显示一个简单而高效的UI来定制他们的销售, an analytics page, and a homepage on the Shopify merchant back-end portal.

I built this app publicly on Twitter in 48 hours.


Theme Scheduler | Shopify App

A React and Node.js app for theme scheduling on Shopify. 我是全栈开发人员,使用Shopify API为用户显示一个简单而高效的UI来安排主题的发布.

大公司必须雇佣额外的员工,在不方便的日子发布特定的主题, and my app helped solve that by automating this task.

I built this app in four hours while being live on Twitch.

Shopify App Template

A React and Node.用于构建一个简单且功能齐全的Shopify应用程序的模板代码. Shopify highly appreciated and praised the effort.

2019 - 2019

Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering

ESTACA, Engineering School - Paris, France

2018 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Data Science

University of California San Diego - San Diego, California, USA

2014 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering

ESTACA, Engineering School - Paris, France


React, Node.js, Liquid, REST APIs, Shopify API, Chart.js, Vue, Backbone.. js, React Query, Graphene-Django, OpenAI助手API, Ramda, Emotion Library, Passport.js, Zod Schema, Playwright


DataGrip, Yarn Workspaces, React Apollo, GitHub, Git, MongoDB Atlas, Webpack, Jira, Shopify Plus, Figma, Auth0, JavaScript Testing, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Sentry, Trello, Logstash, Kibana, ELK (Elastic Stack), CircleCI, Canvas, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Graphene, Pytest, Boto 3, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Prisma


Express.js, Next.js, Vanilla JS, YARN, Hapi.. js,顺风CSS, Cypress, Redux, Material UI, Django, Jest, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Symfony


TypeScript, GraphQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Sass, Liquid Template, Shopify Liquid, SQL, Python, TypeScript 2, TypeScript 3, PHP, XML


REST, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Microservices, UI Design, Web UI Design, UX Design, Agile, Agile Software Development


Shopify, Heroku, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, HubSpot, Vercel, AWS ALB, Contentful


MySQL, Databases, Relational Databases, Redis, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis Cache, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Google Cloud


Programming, Apollo, TypeORM, APIs, Shopify Theme, Custom Shopify Apps, Shopify Customizations, Full-stack, Web Development, JavaScript Libraries, Architecture, Software Architecture, eCommerce, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Front-end, MERN Stack, Storybook, Single-page Applications (SPA), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Mobile First, Back-end, Responsive Web Apps, Front-end Development, Forms, Web Applications, eCommerce APIs, Lean Project Management, Axios, Responsive UI, Custom Themes, Leadership, CRM APIs, Chrome Extensions, Amazon RDS, Data Visualization, CI/CD Pipelines, Webhooks, Containerization, OpenID Connect (OIDC), Strapi, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Bootstrap 5, Full-stack Development, SDKs, i18n, i18next, Internationalization, Translation, Mathematical Analysis, Joi, BullMQ, UI Development, Versal, Queueing Theory, Diagrams, Amazon Route 53, Lambda Functions, GitHub Actions, AWS CodePipeline, GraphQL Code Generator, WebSockets, OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Serverless, Radix UI, Monday.com, Cloud Storage, React Email, CORS, Authentication, Authorization, SAP, Formidable, Helmet, Zustand, ESLint

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