Miroslav Braun,克罗地亚萨格勒布的开发者
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Miroslav Braun

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
May 11, 2016

Since 2009, Miroslav一直是一名专业的全栈开发人员, consultant, 软件架构师使用现代技术开发解决方案. He is a great team player yet no stranger to handling solo projects with ease. 考虑到软件工程的广泛范围, 米罗斯拉夫什么都能搞定, from small styling changes to server administration and complex solutions.


TypeScript, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, Raspberry Pi, NestJS, Node.js, React, Redux...
NestJS, Firebase, TypeScript, React, Redux, Cloud, Front-end, System Design...
TypeScript, NestJS, React, Create React App, PostgreSQL, Redux, Cloud...




Preferred Environment

YARN, Composer, Git, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code

The most amazing...

...thing I developed was a Cloud service for remote managing proprietary IoT devices deployed to over 3,遍布欧洲的1000家零售商店.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
  • 开发了一个在指定区域内计数的系统, 有计数传感器, 人们计数和限制显示, 控制停/走柱标志, 全部部署并连接到Raspberry PI.
  • 开发用于管理专有物联网设备的云服务, 与设备分组和设备数据分析和聚合, remote device control, remote device access, device alive status, etc.
  • Created a proprietary IoT device remote control process using SSH reverse tunnel.
  • 创建了COVID证书扫描和验证系统, 可能具有复杂的验证工作流和场景, 验证规则管理, 并且验证日志要用在人计数旁边. 部署并连接到树莓派.
  • 创建用于多个项目的独立可重用组件.
  • 为常见用例创建独立可重用的NestJS模块.
  • Created a NestJS boilerplate template for easier bootstrapping of new projects based on ideas and architecture of the Symfony framework.
  • 创建了SOLUM ESL设备管理系统, 使用多个数据源, 自动数据同步, 与ERP系统集成, 并与MS Outlook日历集成.
  • Created a React Native app for linking articles from ERP systems to SOLUM ESL devices.
  • 设计了系统体系结构、领域模型和API结构 on multiple projects. Provided consultations on good system architecture and programming practices.
Technologies: TypeScript, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, Raspberry Pi, NestJS, Node.js, React, Redux, SSH, Cloud, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, Axios, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, Plugins, HTML5, Databases, MERN Stack, Express.js, REST, Jira, Scrum, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, React Native, Redis, Load Testing, Next.js, Redux Toolkit, Jest, Material UI, Unit Testing, Full-stack, GraphQL, Technical Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, System Architecture, IT Consulting, 跨平台应用开发, Back-end Development


2019 - 2021
  • Developed a system for breaking news distribution to multiple social platforms and in-browser notifications, 具有特定平台的帖子预览和图像上传, 使用Firebase作为文件存储, database, and notification gateway.
  • Developed a WhatsApp-style messaging and video/audio call app for airline field technicians, 使用WebRTC进行图像捕获和编辑.
  • Created a PoC React Native messaging and video/audio call app based on the previously created web version.
Technologies: NestJS, Firebase, TypeScript, React, Redux, Cloud, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, Node.js, WebRTC, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, Facebook API, HTML5, Databases, Express.js, REST, Material UI, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, React Native, PostgreSQL, Unit Testing, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, System Architecture, IT Consulting, Back-end Development, Cloud Firestore, Google Cloud


2019 - 2020
  • Developed s system for management of product marketing and sampling campaigns, with analytics and tracking of how close potential customers were to sampling and, 对那些试用过产品的人, how satisfied they were.
  • 开发人力资源员工报表管理系统, 具有用户角色和用户层次结构, notification system, 自动生成某些报告, report postponing, and report PDF export.
  • 设计系统架构, domain model, 独立的可重用组件, 以及多个项目的API结构.
  • Provided consultations on good system architecture and programming practices.
Technologies: TypeScript, NestJS, React, Create React App, PostgreSQL, Redux, Cloud, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, Node.js, Axios, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, HTML5, Databases, MERN Stack, Express.js, REST, Jira, Scrum, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, Load Testing, Next.js, Jest, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, System Architecture, IT Consulting, Back-end Development

React and ES6 Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Implemented Confluence plugins and macros for a special document review process.
  • Developed the review process domain model and service for controlling process state.
  • Provided consultations on good system architecture and programming practices.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
技术:ECMAScript (ES6), React, Jira, Confluence, Node.js, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, HTML5, REST, Scrum, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, System Architecture, Back-end Development

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Architected and designed a booking platform for sports service providers with facilities.
  • 设计系统架构, domain model, 独立的可重用组件, and API structure.
  • Provided consultations on good system architecture and programming practices.
Technologies: Node.js, React, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), PWA, 最小可行产品(MVP), Symfony 3, TypeScript, Create React App, Software Architecture, UML, Front-end, PHP, Symfony 2, System Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Laravel, Leaflet, HTML5, Databases, REST, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, PostgreSQL, Load Testing, Material UI, Unit Testing, Full-stack, Payment APIs, Technical Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, System Architecture, IT Consulting, 跨平台应用开发, Back-end Development

Web Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Devised a workaround for rendering images on a plane that are larger than the max texture size of WebGL.
  • 提供关于代码架构和良好编程实践的咨询.
  • 调查了Three的用法.js and WebGL limitations.
技术:TypeScript,三.js, React,前端,前端开发,Node.js, APIs, Software Design, HTML5, Databases, REST, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Full-stack, Back-end Development

Web Developer

2016 - 2019
  • 创建了数据库模型、协议、节点.js server, and a web client for a news flash system to display the news on a physical LED board and for web/mobile devices.
  • 执行服务器和数据库管理任务.
  • Created a scraper for iTunes app reviews to be used for review analysis.
  • Implemented Oracle Eloqua forms with dynamic field configurations using React.
  • Researched the Appcelerator platform as a possible solution for building apps.
  • Created a questionnaire app with React and Redux that uses Oracle Eloqua as storage.
  • Developed a multitenant back-end and tenant discovery service for a mobile app for giving and receiving feedback from its users (with feedback statistics, repeated surveys, 和推送通知)使用TypeScript, Node.js和NestJS框架.
  • Built the back end, WebSocket server, API, and front end for a collaborative Agile board app with a GitHub integration using TypeScript, Node.js、Nestjs框架、React和Redux.
  • 使用React为Oracle Eloqua表单创建了一个表单构建器, Redux, TypeScript, MongoDB, and Symfony 4.
技术:推送通知, NGINX, Varnish, Redux, React, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, WebSockets, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, HTML5, Databases, MERN Stack, Express.js, REST, Scrum, SQL, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, Load Testing, Jest, Unit Testing, Microsoft SQL Server, 内容管理系统(CMS), Microsoft Azure, Full-stack, SOAP, eCommerce, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, System Architecture, IT Consulting, NoSQL, Back-end Development

Symfony2 Developer

2017 - 2018
Oberst BV
  • 改进了现有产品的优惠券列表和附属机构.
  • Tracked tasks, issues, and bugs using Trello as a project management tool.
  • 修复bug,开发新特性,重构旧代码.
  • Provided consultations on good system architecture and programming practices. Did code reviews.
Technologies: Symfony 2, PHP 7, JavaScript, Front-end, PHP, Front-end Development, APIs, Software Design, Integration, API Integration, Legacy Code, HTML5, Databases, REST, SQL, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, PostgreSQL, Unit Testing, Full-stack, CI/CD Pipelines, Back-end Development


2017 - 2017
Beta Lab Limited
  • Developed a booking platform for professional services with payment gateway integration with Stripe.
  • 设计了系统体系结构、领域模型和API结构.
  • 使用REST API开发后端, booking engine, 与免费层的支付网关集成, and affiliate integration.
  • Designed and developed a booking engine with resources availability and double-booking detection.
Technologies: Node.js, CSS, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), GitHub, MySQL, WebSockets, Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), System Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, HTML5, Databases, MERN Stack, Express.js, REST, SQL, JavaScript, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, PostgreSQL, Unit Testing, Full-stack, Payment APIs, Technical Leadership, System Architecture, Back-end Development, Stripe API, Stripe

React.js Expert

2016 - 2017
  • Developed the UI for a PaaS solution that connects clients with insurance providers using React and Redux.
  • Applied and modified the commercial UI theme to the project requirements.
  • Communicated with back-end developers on API structure, improvements, and errors.
Technologies: CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), Redux, React, Karma, IntelliJ IDEA, Front-end, Front-end Development, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, HTML5, REST, JavaScript, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Back-end Development

Web Developer

2013 - 2016
  • Implemented and maintained the user-facing part of the system using PHP and Symfony 2 for the back end and a custom-made JavaScript framework for the front end.
  • Created a Node.js notification server and front-end client that uses WebSockets to distribute notifications.
  • Developed a system for automatic HTTP cache invalidation based on model data changes.
  • 创建具有属性序列化组的自定义数据序列化器, 虚拟财产序列化, 以及财产包含/排除.
  • Implemented most of the site's back end for user statistics; affiliate tracking; system, data, and user management; and maintenance.
  • Implemented part of the affiliate tracking system and a system for sharing league tables on affiliate websites.
  • 实现了一个附属横幅分享和跟踪系统.
  • Implemented a crawler and automatic page tester for the website using Node.js and Phantom.js.
  • 实现了移动应用程序使用的API.
技术:NGINX, Varnish, WebSockets, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Node.js, JavaScript, Symfony 2, PHP, Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), System Design, Front-end Development, REST APIs, APIs, Software Design, Architecture, Integration, API Integration, Legacy Code, Facebook API, HTML5, Databases, LAMP, MERN Stack, Express.js, REST, Scrum, SQL, React, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, Redis, Load Testing, Unit Testing, Full-stack, SOAP, WordPress, System Architecture, 跨平台应用开发, NoSQL, Back-end Development

Web Developer

2012 - 2013
  • 在Zend Framework 1中创建了一个自定义CMS.X支持模块和多种语言/翻译.
  • 使用为小型企业定制的CMS开发门户.
  • Designed a project-specific database model based on project requirements.
技术:end框架, CSS, HTML, MySQL, JavaScript, PHP, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, Google Maps API, APIs, Software Design, Plugins, HTML5, Databases, Apache, LAMP, SQL, Web Services, Web Development, PostgreSQL, 内容管理系统(CMS), Full-stack, System Architecture, Back-end Development

Freelance Web Developer

2009 - 2013
Freelance Work
  • 使用Zend Framework开发一个定制的电子商务网站.x and MySQL. The solution supports orders, multiple product variants, discounts, and PayPal payments.
  • 根据小型企业的客户需求创建WordPress网站.
  • 为美发师工作室搭建预约调度系统.
  • 为个人网页创建了一个自定义投资组合CMS.
  • Developed a custom CMS with static/dynamic pages and a multi-user back-end with access control, dynamic menus, and automatic breadcrumbs.
技术:end框架, WordPress, MySQL, JavaScript, PHP, Front-end, System Design, Front-end Development, APIs, Software Design, HTML5, Databases, Apache, LAMP, SQL, CSS, HTML, Web Services, Web Development, PostgreSQL, 内容管理系统(CMS), Full-stack, eCommerce, System Architecture, Back-end Development
2008 - 2013


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia


Redux-Saga, Socket.IO, Doctrine 2, Doctrine, WS, Redux Form, Normalizr, React Router, REST APIs, jQuery, React, Node.js, PhantomJS, GitHub API, Stripe API, WebRTC, Leaflet, Stripe, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI, Three.js,谷歌地图API, Facebook API


Git, Redux Thunk, JavaScript Testing, PhpStorm, OneSignal, Mocha, Webpack, NGINX, Varnish, Subversion (SVN), Create React App, Jira, Confluence, Composer, PM2, Behat, Karma, Apache, Supervisor, Adobe Photoshop, IntelliJ IDEA, GitHub, Redux Toolkit


JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Redux, Jest, Express.js, Symfony 3, Symfony 2, Symfony, NestJS, YARN, PHPUnit, Symfony 4, Next.js, Material UI, Entity, .. NET, Zend Framework, Jasmine, Laravel, React Native, .NET Core


TypeScript, TypeScript 3, ES5, ES7, SQL, PHP 7, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, UML, Bash, C, C#, Lua, C++, Python, Java, GraphQL


Asynchronous Programming, 面向对象编程(OOP), Database Design, Promise, REST, API Architecture, REST API Architecture, Web Design Patterns, JavaScript设计模式, Unit Testing, Design Patterns, 对象关系映射(ORM), DevOps, 域驱动开发, 敏捷软件开发, 四人组(GOF)设计模式, Scrum, Load Testing, Distributed Computing, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Parallel Computing, Compiler Design, Parallel Programming, Prototype-based OOP


PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, MariaDB, MySQL, Databases, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Relational Databases, InfluxDB, Cloud Firestore, Doctrine MongoDB ODM, Microsoft SQL Server, Google Cloud


WordPress, Linux, Software Design Patterns, Firebase, LAMP, Docker, Apache2, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Raspberry Pi, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


System Development, System Architecture, 系统架构设计, Architecture, TypeORM, System Design, WebSockets, API Design, APIs, Web Development, Full-stack, Code Architecture, Software Design, Hexagonal Architecture, ES6 Promises, Front-end Development, Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Front-end, Integration, API Integration, MERN Stack, Web Services, IT Consulting, Back-end Development, SaaS, Push Notifications, Annotations, SSH, Caching, Networks, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), PWA, Cloud, Axios, Legacy Code, Plugins, 内容管理系统(CMS), SOAP, Digital Signage, Payment APIs, eCommerce, Technical Leadership, CI/CD Pipelines, 跨平台应用开发, TSLint, Stripe Payments, PayPal, Algorithms, 最小可行产品(MVP), Microsoft Azure

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