Marcin Bodnar,波兰什切青的开发者
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Marcin Bodnar

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Szczecin, Poland
Toptal Member Since
March 1, 2019

Marcin is a senior software engineer focused on web development with over 15 years of proven professional experience (in both startups and enterprise environments) and more than 300 successful web projects. 说到发展, he believes that motivation, communication, high resistance to stress, 在实现客户期望的过程中,团队文化至关重要. Marcin同样喜欢团队合作或独立工作.


NEAR Protocol
CSS, HTML,样式组件,语义UI,区块链,Redux, React, JavaScript
Heroku, Sass, MongoDB, Redux, React, Node.js
Talentor Finland Oy
MySQL, Redux, React, Node.js




Preferred Environment

Windows, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), GitHub, GitLab, Heroku

The most amazing...

...project was proLEX, a law practice management web solution that was prepared as a SPA web service. 我从零开始设计和开发它.

Work Experience

Senior Front-End Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
NEAR Protocol
  • Worked for NEAR Protocol, a company that creates NEAR, which is a sharded, developer-friendly, 权益证明公共区块链.
  • Worked on an in-browser web-based Wallet application for working with NEAR DevNet accounts. The application is prepared using React, Redux, Blockchain, Semantic UI, Styled Components.
  • 构建项目结构和可重用组件体系结构.
  • 创建了Zeplin规范的像素完美实现.
  • 开发一个完全响应,适合所有设备的移动优先UI.
  • 构建了以下功能和模块:创建帐户, 使用种子短语保护帐户, Authorize App, Staking, Node & 踩点,节点详细信息,添加节点,签署交易,发送令牌.
Technologies: CSS, HTML,样式组件,语义UI,区块链,Redux, React, JavaScript

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • Worked mainly as part of the team that developed the new stack version of proLEX along with implementing additional features. proLEX是一个法律实践管理网络解决方案. It offers multiple functionalities for better data access and process management in a law firm. 它被设计为使用PHP和jQuery的单页面应用web服务. 我所在的团队使用Node开发了一个新版本的系统.js, React, Redux, MongoDB.
  • Implemented a tag system for a document module that allows a user to use one document multiple times.
  • Developed an inner webmail module that automatically connects an email account of the user's choice and searches for email messages related to the user's cases existing in the system and assigns it automatically to the system data.
  • Built a backup module with version restore this allowed the user to save and run any restored version and also download all of the system's user data in several formats.
  • 为动态搜索机制创建了搜索组件.
技术:Heroku, Sass, MongoDB, Redux, React, Node.js

Senior Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
Talentor Finland Oy
  • Worked for Talentor, a company that offers a wide of human resources consulting services include assessments, talent management, organizational development, recruitment process, and payroll outsourcing.
  • Developed with a team a career extranet SPA service with a LinkedIn integration; specifically building both the back-end and front-end solutions. 应用程序是使用Node准备的.js, React, Redux, MySQL.
  • 构建了一个注册模块,其中包括:login, registration, forgot pass, remember me, LinkedIn login, Google login, 和电子邮件验证与外部ERP数据库认证.
  • Created a Linkedin data import module which was responsible for importing data from a user's accounts, 取决于用户偏好.
  • Constructed a page containing dynamic personal queries form and also developed an administration panel that allows the user to manage and generate the form with various type of questions.
  • 建立了我的个人资料页面,允许用户完全管理他们的个人资料. It consists of dynamic forms which ensured that the page will not be reloaded when saving or editing data.
  • 开发了我的职业目标页面, a page with a dynamic form allowing users to determine the scope of access for the owners.
  • 导入并集成ERP数据库.
技术:MySQL, Redux, React, Node.js

Freelance Software Developer

2016 - 2016
Carnahan Group
  • Developed the new healthcare platform called FMVMD™ for Carnahan Group (strategic healthcare advisors). This platform allows hospitals and healthcare entities to receive physician fair market valuations instantly.
  • 在与网页设计师密切合作的同时实现前端.
技术:CSS3, HTML5,移动,用户界面,jQuery


2016 - 2016
  • 定义了产品的范围和技术架构. One of the company’s products is a system that enables the quick generation of a dedicated IT system; the system is generated on the basis of ready-made components.
  • 处理内部客户和他们的需求.
  • 在波兰什切青领导一个小型开发团队.
  • 开发了产品的主要部分.
技术:MySQL, Smarty, Symfony, PHP

Senior Software Engineer

2009 - 2016
Proti » to be online
  • 根据定制设计开发了150多个网站.
  • 构建了12个具有不同功能的web服务.
  • Created web shops including using web store mechanisms the fast implementation of a custom-looking web store.
  • Developed a newsletter web service that allows users to easily create and maintain a newsletter campaign, manage the receiver list, 还有一个一键发送选项. The system was implemented to send newsletters with acceptable mechanisms to avoid being identified as spam.
  • Created an online advice web solution prepared for law companies; basically, it is a web form that could be implemented on every web page and allows users to request legal advice. The bigger part of the project was administration panel that allows law companies to manage the advice requests, 手动和自动的内部电子邮件系统, and payment solutions.
Technologies: Mobile, User Interface (UI), jQuery, Responsive Web Design (RWD), 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Sass, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Smarty, Symfony, PHP


2010 - 2014
  • Conducted a variety of lectures and laboratory classes as a preparation course for the profession of IT technician with a specialization in software engineering. 课程名称:算法和数据结构基础, Structure Programming, Database and SQL Languages, 关系数据库管理系统, 和面向对象程序设计.
技术:Visual Studio, c#, c++

Application Architect

2008 - 2009
  • Worked for, a lifestyle and travel social network to help people discover where to go and what to do, meet like-minded people, 分享愿望和经验.
  • Worked as part of a team (consisting of two application architects and three graphic designers) that created the new website layout including all major functionalities; at that moment had 20 million users.
  • 为开发部门生成规则和指导方针.
  • 记录和监督软件开发项目.
  • Created travel tools.
  • Conducted market research.
  • 精心设计公司设计并定义指导方针.
技术:jQuery, Prototype Framework, JavaScript

Software Developer

2007 - 2008
  • Worked for, a lifestyle and travel social network to help people discover where to go and what to do, meet like-minded people, 分享愿望和经验.
  • Developed with a team for both the front end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back end (VB6, T-SQL).
  • 重新设计并改进了新功能的用户界面:超速率, virtual gifts, and travel tools.
技术:Visual Basic 6 (VB6), T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, Prototype Framework, JavaScript

Software Developer

2006 - 2007
Geomar SA
  • 曾在GEOMAR SA工作,该公司有许多公司作为客户, including the Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography and a number of town and district offices and companies.
  • 积极开发和维护我们团队创建的现有应用程序.
  • 开发新的应用程序和组件.
  • 与其他开发人员合作,支持部门和设计师.
  • 处理实现、代码审查、测试和优化.
  • 寻找并测试现有的解决方案以完成分配的任务.
Technologies: CSS, Prototype Framework, Ajax, JavaScript, Oracle Database, Smarty, Symfony, PHP

Front-end Developer

2006 - 2006
Geomar SA
  • Worked as a part of the development team on web service that was a part of power plant management system.
  • Oversaw the front-end development which included fixing bus and improving the existing mechanisms.
技术:CSS, XML, Ajax, PHP, Prototype Framework, JavaScript

NEAR Wallet
我开发了一个基于浏览器的钱包,用于与NEAR DevNet帐户一起工作.

proLEX App

I developed proLEX: a law practice management web solution that was prepared as a SPA web service. 基本上,它是律师事务所的高级应用程序.
I worked for, a lifestyle and travel social network to help people discover where to go and what to do, meet like-minded people, 分享愿望和经验. I with a team developed both the front end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back end (VB6, T-SQL).
I, 作为产品负责人和首席开发人员, 曾在为律师事务所提供各种互联网解决方案的Kancelaria Proti工作. One of the company’s products is a system that enables the quick generation of a dedicated IT system; the system is generated on the basis of ready-made components.

Proti » to be online

我为protei»工作是为了在线, 提供网页设计的公司, digital marketing, custom web applications, and other marketing and advertising services to organizations ranging from small and medium businesses to publicly traded corporations. While there, I developed over 150 websites based on custom designs and constructed 12 web services with diverse functionalities.
2009 - 2011



2000 - 2006




Reactstrap, React, jQuery, Node.. js, Mustache, jQuery UI, Chai, Passport.js


MongoDB Atlas, Visual Studio, Mocha, Webpack, Grunt, Gulp, Mongoose, Git, Subversion (SVN), CVS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Apache, GitLab, GitHub


Express.js, Redux, Bootstrap, Smarty, Symfony, Prototype Framework, Material UI, Materialize, Jest, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, CSS3, HTML5, C++, C#, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), CSS, XML, HTML, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Less, Sass


WordPress, iOS, Mobile, Oracle Database, Blockchain, Windows, Heroku, Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server


搜索引擎优化(SEO), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Kanban, Scrum, Functional Programming, Agile Software Development, REST, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 行为驱动发展(BDD), 面向对象编程(OOP), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Model View Controller (MVC)


Full-stack, Front-end Development, Software Development, User Interface (UI), Ajax, Semantic UI, Styled-components

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