Eduard Mihranyan, Developer in Yerevan, Armenia
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Eduard Mihranyan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Machine Learning Developer

Yerevan, Armenia
Toptal Member Since
January 10, 2022

爱德华是一位经验丰富的数据科学家,在IT公司和银行业工作过. Having more than seven years of experience in the industry, 他已经证明了自己在提供高质量的端到端解决方案方面的能力,这些解决方案显著提高了公司的kpi. His recent projects are in the Generative AI field, specifically LLMs and Text2Image models. Eduard is a problem solver. He continuously improves his arsenal by learning and always staying up to date.


Text to Image, Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Finance, Python...
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Google AI Platform, Recommendation Systems...
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Engineering, CI/CD Pipelines...




Preferred Environment

PyCharm, Slack, GitHub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), ARIMA, Forecasting, JupyterLab

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Machine Learning Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Created an object replacement model, 哪个在图像中找到描述的对象,并用新对象的提供的图像替换它, keeping everything else the same.
  • Fine-tuned an instruction-based LLM to solve a specific summarization task for the company data.
  • Developed a reinforcement learning environment to explore and distribute resources optimally, maximizing the company's profit. The project had the highest priority and showed significant improvements.
  • Designed an insurance scoring model, 哪一个估计事故发生的概率,并根据风险计算保险费率.
  • 建立了一个客户时间序列预测模型,用于银行业,以改进其评分模型.
Technologies: Text to Image, Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Finance, Python, OpenAI GPT-3 API, GPT, Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), OpenAI GPT-4 API, Predictive Modeling, Pricing Models, Git, Docker, Data Scientist, ChatGPT, OpenAI, Azure, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Dedicated SQL Pool (formerly SQL DW), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), SQL, Large Language Models (LLMs), Data Processing, Kubernetes

Google Recommendation AI Specialist

2022 - 2022
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
  • Developed an automated recommendation pipeline that collects and preprocesses data, trains a model, and serves as an API endpoint to request and get recommendations.
  • Designed a comprehensive A/B test for checking the recommendation model's online performance.
  • 创建并训练内部推荐模型(基于用户和基于项目),这些模型将来可能用于取代当前的解决方案.
Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Google AI Platform, Recommendation Systems, Google, Python, Machine Learning, APIs, Google BigQuery, AI Design, Neural Networks, Forecasting, MySQL, Data Pipelines, Snowflake, Model Development, Data Analytics, Data Extraction, Data Engineering, Git, Data Scientist, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google Analytics, BigQuery, Data Processing

Full-stack Machine Learning Scientist

2019 - 2022
  • Built an in-house text-to-image generation model based on Stable Diffusion, which works live, and an integrated fine-tuning mechanism so the generator could create and modify users' pictures, e.g., create a superhero with your face.
  • Developed recommender system models for sticker recommendations to a user. 第一个模型是基于用户偏好的,在推出后,每个接触点的贴纸使用量增长了300%以上.
  • 在创建了一个考虑照片和贴纸之间的视觉匹配的模型后,付费内容的使用率增加了150%,订阅指标也有了显著增长.
  • 通过设计一个模型,捕捉用户对PicsArt工具和内容的偏好,并将其划分为有意义的细分,提高了营销团队在定位受众方面的活动成功率.
  • 创建一个异常检测算法,捕获应用程序崩溃中的异常峰值,并向开发团队报告, improving the team's process for fixing bugs.
  • 通过开发向用户展示广告和订阅服务的广告优化模式,大大增加了公司的收入.
  • Conducted a global company analysis for the CEO to find optimal ways of development, 这改变了公司的发展方向,并导致了一个新的部门组织的最高优先级的项目.
  • 管理一个三人团队,负责不同的项目,并鼓励他们的个人成长.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Engineering, CI/CD Pipelines, Torch, Reinforcement Learning, Statistics, Research, Python, PySpark, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Gensim, NumPy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Recommendation Systems, GitHub, Data Science, Google AI Platform, Mathematics, Analytics, Time Series, R, APIs, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), GPT, AI Design, Time Series Analysis, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), TensorFlow, Image Generation, ARIMA, ARIMA Models, Forecasting, LSTM, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), PyTorch, JupyterLab, MySQL, Random Forests, XGBoost, Data Pipelines, Linear Regression, Snowflake, Model Development, Keras, Computer Vision, BERT, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, Language Models, Data Extraction, Data Engineering, Predictive Modeling, Predictive Analytics, Databricks, Azure Databricks, Data-driven Marketing, Pricing Models, Git, Docker, Algorithms, Data Scientist, PostgreSQL, Plotly, Tableau, Data Manipulation, Data Modeling, OpenAI, Azure, Dedicated SQL Pool (formerly SQL DW), Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Statistical Data Analysis, SQL, Google Analytics, BigQuery, Transformers, Data Processing, Kubernetes

Machine Learning Scientist

2018 - 2019
  • 开发了一个信用风险模型来预测保留客户的违约,这是目前获得零售信贷的主要方法. The result is a significant increase in the company's profit.
  • 创建了一个预测企业客户风险的模型,作为获得企业信贷的主要方法, which resulted in a significant increase in the company's profit.
  • 开发信贷组合优化模型,提高当前投资组合的盈利能力.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Finance, Data Analysis, Optimization, Python, Pandas, Torch, Scikit-learn, Gensim, NumPy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), GitHub, Data Science, Mathematics, Analytics, Time Series, R, APIs, AI Design, Architecture, Time Series Analysis, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Power BI, Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), TensorFlow, AI Programming, ARIMA, ARIMA Models, Forecasting, LSTM, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), PyTorch, JupyterLab, MySQL, Random Forests, XGBoost, Data Pipelines, Linear Regression, Model Development, Keras, Computer Vision, BERT, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, Language Models, Data Extraction, Predictive Modeling, Predictive Analytics, Data-driven Marketing, Git, Algorithms, Data Scientist, PostgreSQL, Tableau, Data Manipulation, Financial Analysis, Statistical Data Analysis, SQL

Machine Learning Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Improved the previous prototype for modeling the final score of soccer matches.
  • 开发了一个预测角球和足球比赛中黄牌或红牌数量的模型.
  • Created a model to predict the final result of a basketball match—win, loss, or tie.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Gaming, Python, Pandas, Data Analysis, Scikit-learn, NumPy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), GitHub, Data Science, Mathematics, Analytics, Time Series, R, AI Design, Microsoft Power BI, Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), TensorFlow, AI Programming, Forecasting, LSTM, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), PyTorch, JupyterLab, MySQL, Random Forests, XGBoost, Linear Regression, Model Development, Keras, Computer Vision, BERT, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, Data Extraction, Predictive Modeling, Algorithms, Data Scientist, Google Analytics

Data Scientist

2016 - 2017
TeamViewer Germany
  • Collaborated with the growth hackers team and analyzed the main direction of the company's growth; found out optimal bundling of current products and optimal prices for sales.
  • Conducted churn analysis based on comments from past users, which led to the main reasons for client churn (text analysis).
  • Created analytic dashboards for monitoring company-wide metrics.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Statistics, Data Analysis, SQL, R, Pandas, Scikit-learn, NumPy, Data Science, Mathematics, Analytics, Time Series, AI Design, Time Series Analysis, Microsoft Power BI, Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), AI Programming, ARIMA Models, Forecasting, JupyterLab, Random Forests, XGBoost, Linear Regression, BERT, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, Predictive Analytics, Data-driven Marketing, Algorithms, Data Scientist, Tableau, Google Analytics

Text to Image Generator

一个基于稳定扩散的模型被训练成使用高斯噪声创建图像,同时采用用户提供的图像和文本形式的指导. By giving the model a user's photo and accompanying text instructions, 生成器可以根据给定的指令生成修改原始照片的新图像. For example, 它可以用用户的脸创建一个超级英雄的形象,并把超级英雄放在埃菲尔铁塔附近.

Photo-based Recommender System

The model captured the best fit between photos and stickers based on previously selected, excellent quality photo edits. 它使用了一种度量学习方法,根据照片和贴纸的视觉特征来获得它们之间的距离.

Preference-based Recommender System

该模型捕获用户到项目和项目到项目的交互,以预测并向当前用户推荐新项目. We trained the model on vast data of PicsArt users and their usage of stickers. Currently, the model is in production on all platforms and touchpoints.

Ads Optimization

In this project, 该模型捕获用户偏好和兴趣,以优化应用程序中的广告,并根据每个用户最喜欢的工具和内容显示订阅提供屏幕.

Credit Default Prediction

该项目涉及预测每笔贷款违约的概率,并确定每个客户的信誉. The amount and rate of the landing were decided for each loan, or if the probability of default was high, the loan request was denied.

Marketing Campaign Optimization

我在这个项目中的角色是创建一个机器学习模型,该模型可以发现用户对应用程序特性的兴趣,并将所有用户划分为具有相似兴趣的子组. 市场营销团队利用这一点在关键指标中具有较高转换率的小群体中开展有针对性的市场营销活动.

Time Series Anomaly Detection

The model captured anomalous changes in the behavior of hourly count data crashes, analyzing the history of time series data. When the anomaly was detected, it alerted the development team to fix issues.

Statistical Guarantees for Conditional Generative Models

一项应用研究项目在巴黎ENSAE学院的Arnak Dalalyan教授的指导下进行. 我们从统计的角度引入了一个方便的框架来研究条件(对抗)生成模型. 它包括将生成装置建模为维度远小于环境空间的单位超立方体的光滑变换,并通过积分概率度量来测量生成模型的质量.

Aesthetic Predictor

A model is trained to predict whether the given photo can be considered aesthetic. 现有的最先进模型之间的主要区别在于,它捕获了没有出现在开源数据集中的公司特定标准. It is also used as a content quality estimator, which helps increase the performances of other models relying on the quality score.
2019 - 2021

Master's Degree in Data Science

Yerevan State University - Yerevan, Armenia


SQL, Python, R, Snowflake


PySpark, LSTM, PyTorch, XGBoost, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, Spark ML


Google Analytics, Gensim, GitHub, Git, Tableau, BigQuery, Google AI Platform, Microsoft Power BI, ChatGPT, Plotly


Data Science


Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Recommendation Systems, Mathematics, Analytics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI Design, Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), AI Programming, ARIMA, ARIMA Models, Forecasting, JupyterLab, Random Forests, Linear Regression, Model Development, BERT, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Data Extraction, Predictive Modeling, Probability Theory, Predictive Analytics, Data Scientist, Data Modeling, Statistical Data Analysis, Transformers, Data Processing, Engineering, Torch, Reinforcement Learning, Research, Finance, Optimization, Time Series Analysis, Time Series, Google BigQuery, Architecture, Financial Modeling, SARIMA, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Computer Vision, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Language Models, Word Embedding, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Azure Databricks, Data-driven Marketing, Pricing Models, Algorithms, Data Manipulation, OpenAI, Generative AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), CI/CD Pipelines, Gaming, APIs, Image Generation, Google, Generative Systems, Diffusion Models, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), Text to Image, Images, Clips, Aesthetics, Content, Data Engineering, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), Financial Analysis




Amazon Web Services (AWS), Databricks, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Docker, Azure, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Dedicated SQL Pool (formerly SQL DW)


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Data Pipelines

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