Charles Cook, Ph.D., Developer in Gainesville, FL, United States
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Charles Cook, Ph.D.

Verified Expert  in Engineering

C# Developer

Gainesville, FL, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 29, 2014

Charles has a Ph.D. 并花了三年时间为NASA开发定制数据处理和分析程序. He specializes in scalable, 企业级应用程序开发和高吞吐量工程解决方案. He is also the founder and owner of GreatVocab.为此,他利用数据分析和控制理论中的新概念开发了核心系统.


Go, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, SQL
C#, Azure Service Bus, Azure Blobs, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure DevOps




Preferred Environment

Vim Text Editor, MATLAB, Visual Studio, GoLand

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Principal Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Engineered and deployed an enterprise messaging system at scale.
  • 自动版本控制和跟踪大量遗留数据库,使用自动清理的生成脚本.
  • Performed data reconciliation of 2+ billion record data sets.
Technologies: Go, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, SQL


2009 - PRESENT
  • Founded, a novel online vocabulary training program.
  • 将数据分析和控制理论中的一些新概念应用于词汇学习,开发了系统的核心实现.
  • 在自定义企业级web应用程序框架的帮助下实现了该程序,并使其能够根据需要在英语词典中查找已发布的任何单词的使用示例.
Technologies: SQL, ASP.NET MVC

Principal Software Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • Migrated enhanced content from Webcollage, SellPoints, and other acquired products, such as content analytics, into Syndigo's platform, representing most of all visible eCommerce product content on the public internet.
  • Developed the image comparison algorithm powering the Compare with Live tool single-handedly.
  • Led a team using the Agile methodology in the development of enhanced content.
Technologies: C#, Azure Service Bus, Azure Blobs, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure DevOps

GSRP Fellow

2011 - 2014
  • 利用CUDA为遗传算法的加速开发了大自由度模型回归代码.
  • Developed custom signal processing code for analyzing high frequency vibration data.
  • Developed custom CFD models for cryogenic fluids.
Technologies: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), NVIDIA CUDA, OpenFOAM


2010 - 2010
WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF
  • 曾担任计算多物理组和WSL雪和雪崩研究所(SLF)之间的主要国际合作者.
Technologies: Fortran, C++

Senior Web Developer

2003 - 2009
352 Media Group (352, Inc.)
  • 作为Microsoft Certified Professional web程序员,擅长核心组件设计(如内容管理系统)和大规模应用(分布式web应用和高吞吐量应用).
Technologies: JavaScript, SQL, ASP.NET, C#

Great Vocab
Great Vocab是一个新颖的在线词汇培训项目,它利用了我在数据分析和控制理论方面的一些工作成果,在定制的企业级web应用程序框架的帮助下,应用于词汇的学习. 该应用程序能够根据需要在英语词典中找到任何单词的已发布的使用示例.

Content Management System

我设计并开发了一个CMS,它成功地部署在数百个商业web应用程序中,并且是最早允许就地编辑的CMS之一, content versioning, full-text search, and dynamic menu building in 2008.

Twitter Caching Service

I designed and developed a service which exposed a Twitter 1.1 API providing automatic, expiring, and rate limit observing caching of calls to Twitter. The cache was implemented through a custom cache paradigm I designed that allowed for bursting. The cache data store was asynchronous, dependency injected, and demonstrated in SQL CE and NoSQL databases, both with auto migrations for self-hosted deployment.

Search System with Plugin Support

我设计并开发了一个搜索系统,它有一个插件接口,允许任何其他内容提供者填充搜索系统. 搜索系统提供对任何内容源的全文目录搜索,并提供一个管理系统,用于自定义内容权重以及与其权重相关的关键字(以控制内容在结果中的位置)。. The system also has reporting for metrics such as searched expressions, view to click ratios, view and click counts, searches that had no results, popular searches, and overall activity reports.

Facebook Content Submission Application

我开发了一个应用程序,允许用户通过Facebook应用程序提交图像和视频,然后由版主审查,然后发布到Facebook图库. The application supports a basic voting system and categorization.

Highly Concurrent Web Application Architecture (2008)

我设计并原型化了一个大规模的web应用程序,使用具有负载平衡的WCF垂直分层和水平分布. An early version of the application was published as the Unifico Framework in 2008.

Event Clinics
Dynamic registration system for organizers in the equestrian community with adaptive payments.

Magnetic Relief Valve (Patent)


Utilizes heat from existing exhaust to recover cryogenically stored renewable energy, more than doubling fossil fuel efficiency.


Customer Relationship Management Application
A CRM SaaS application for the mortgage industry. I received a Certificate of Excellence from UCG and Vantage for my work on the project, where I was a full-stack developer.

A Generalized Characteristic-Based Split Projection Method for Navier-Stokes with Real Fluids


Realtime Gait Analysis of the Knee (Biomedical)

Based upon academic literature, 开发了数值方法,并设计了一个解决方案,可以在JavaScript中对六个耦合方程执行实时非线性牛顿-拉夫森方程, with singular value decomposition (SVD).

Custom Database Engine for Time Series Data

设计并开发了一个自定义的c++数据库引擎,用于时间序列(事件)数据的过滤, bucketing, JSON-defined calendar timelines, aggregate functions, which is O(n) for all operations, highly concurrent (linear with 120+ cores), entirely vectorized, with a buffered asynchronous REST JSON API where throughput is limited by NVMe throughput, processing 3GB of discrete event data in .2 seconds.

Plotly JS Big Data Charting

设计并开发了一个自定义的JavaScript仪表板,以亚秒级的加载时间显示十年来的交互式实时市场数据, where all data is computed on demand using event-driven data.

Full-stack Phone Adviser Development and Support

开发和支持各种web应用程序和api,用于运行基于电话的顾问公司, including payment processing, event/notification subscription and distribution, web applications with live agent statuses, internal administrative dashboard, custom content management system (CMS), funds and minute balance accounting for customers with O(1) calculation time, REST APIs for the cloud based phone system, 所有服务都通过运行状况监控(AWS)进行负载平衡,以实现REST api的零停机时间.

Cryogenic Power Extraction
Inventor: Various examples are provided for cryogenic power extraction. In one example, among others, 一种用于低温功率提取的系统包括热交换器,该热交换器可以使用来自热源的废热加热低温工质, and a turbine that can generate power from the heated cryogenic working fluid. In another example, 一种方法包括用来自热源的废热加热低温工质,并用加热的低温工质驱动涡轮机. 涡轮机产生的能量可以用来驱动机械负载和/或产生供电气负载使用的电力. For example, 来自车辆内燃机的废热可用于产生用于驱动发动机的机械负载的动力和/或用于产生用于给车辆电池充电的电力.
2011 - 2015

Ph.D. Degree in Aerospace Engineering

University of Florida - Florida

2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering

University of Florida - Florida

2004 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of Florida - Florida


Microsoft Certified Professional Developer



Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist



LINQ, Proxygen, Plotly.js, jQuery, Node.js, React, Breeze.js, Twitter API, Windows Forms (WinForms), Folly, Entity Framework, NCache, MPI, VTK, Facebook API, Open MPI


Dapper, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Subversion (SVN), CVS, Git, MATLAB, Amazon EBS, AWS ELB, Visual Studio 2019, Shell, TeamCity, NuGet, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio 2015, LabVIEW, LaTeX, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, GCC, CLion, Visual Studio, Vim Text Editor, Eclipse IDE, GoLand, Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, OpenFOAM


ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms, .NET, Telerik Kendo UI, Bootstrap 3+, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Knockout (Knockout.js), .NET Core, Angular, Boost


SQL, C#, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, C#.NET, C, C++, Active Server Pages (ASP), Fortran, Python, Go, YAML, Java, Visual Basic


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Scalable Application, Load Testing, Dependency Injection, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Entity-relationship Diagrams, App Development, Unit Testing, Agile Software Development, Waterfall Development, Microservices, Azure DevOps


iOS, Visual Studio 2017, Windows, NVIDIA CUDA, Ubuntu, Amazon EC2, Android, Azure, Visual Studio 2016, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure PaaS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Eclipse, WordPress


Relational Databases, Microsoft SQL Server, NoSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Azure Blobs, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Elasticsearch


Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Physics Simulations, Software Development, Software Engineering, Freelancing, Machine Learning, Programming, Content Management Systems (CMS), Mobile App Development, IT Networking, Amazon Route 53, User Interface (UI), Software Architecture, Remote Work, Scientific Software Developer, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Performance, OData, Ajax, Multithreading, VMware ESXi, Signal Processing, HTML5 Audio, Google Pub/Sub, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Xamarin.Forms, Azure Service Bus

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