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Bassam Seif

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Native Developer

Toptal Member Since
November 8, 2017

Bassam is a software architect and engineer who started coding independently at the age of eleven. 他擅长全栈、高度可扩展的JavaScript和Node.但他也有使用PHP、Java、c#和Objective-C的经验. 巴萨姆是一个快速学习的人,他相信从小做起, well-tested, highly documented, and functional pieces.


Independent Contract Work
C#, Unity, PHP, Three.. js、ECMAScript (ES6)、MySQL、MongoDB、Meteor、Express.js...
Freelancing Website
Mocha, Webpack, PHP, Vue, Angular,单元测试,顺风CSS, SQL, SEO工具...
Visual Studio, C#, Windows Phone




Preferred Environment

Git, Sublime Text, Jira, Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Architect | Engineer

2011 - PRESENT
Independent Contract Work
  • 为很多客户工作过,泰勒数字公司, Clearsenses Tech, Intelligent Technology, Wunder LLC, MAA Consulting, CodeIgniter, 11D Software, Cadis, and Stars of Science.
  • Designed software architecture: delivering blueprints for communicated plans which were divided into well-documented JIRA tasks.
  • 开发经过高度测试的健壮模块,可用于多种产品.
  • Transitioned from idea-driven development to test-driven development to achieve maintainable, flexible, and easily extensible code.
  • 使用敏捷scrum方法进行沟通, conducting two-week-long sprints, 始终保持产品的可发运性.
  • 设计了一个简单的UI/UX,由之前创建的组件组成.
技术:c#, Unity, PHP, 3.. js、ECMAScript (ES6)、MySQL、MongoDB、Meteor、Express.js, Node.js, React Native, Vue, React, JavaScript, Unit Testing, Python, API Integration, GraphQL, WebRTC, Startups, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Testing, Serverless Architecture, Docker, PostgreSQL, Serverless, Graph Databases


2017 - 2019
Freelancing Website
  • Transitioned this freelance agency's mobile web app to a component-based architecture in Angular.
  • 为所有新创建的组件创建单元测试,保持100%的代码覆盖率.
  • 更新了PHP遗留代码以支持新特性.
  • 参加每日scrum会议,帮助创建新任务.
  • Created an automatically generated component library consisting of all the reusable components with their demo, code examples, and documentation.
Technologies: Mocha, Webpack, PHP, Vue, Angular,单元测试,顺风CSS, SQL, SEO工具, API Integration, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Game Development

Platform Evangelist

2013 - 2014
  • Helped students develop apps on Windows Phone and Windows 8, back-ended by Windows Azure.
  • 创建样板代码供学生在他们的应用程序中重用.
  • 每月为200多名学生做报告.
  • Organized the regular meetings and presentations with Microsoft employees and student partners.
  • 在Windows Phone和Windows 8上执行Kactus(之前的创业公司).
技术:Visual Studio, c#, Windows Phone


2012 - 2014
  • 领导多学科团队从概念到执行.
  • 从一个基于web的、由Node支持的Angular应用开始.js and MongoDB.
  • Created an iOS native app which reached the number-one spot in the Lebanese App Store with more than 2,000 daily downloads.
  • 协助设计人员创建应用程序和角色的UI/UX.
  • 向投资者、电视节目和广播电台展示Kactus.
技术:Objective-C, CouchDB, Node.js, Angular

Only One

一个基于angular的平台,可以帮助保护海洋, tackle the climate crisis, and build a more just, equitable planet. It has different articles, videos, petitions, and memberships centered around ocean conservation.


A React Native cross-platform app that helps manage and use a platform for cardiologists. Helped maintain the back end in Rails connected to React Native using seamless web views in some cases. 我们在React Native前端进行了多次更新, behind feature flags, 为大多数用户保持完整的用户体验.

Clyx App

一个使用React Native/Node构建的跨平台社交会议和事件应用程序.js (NestJS)—that makes it easier and faster for users to do the things they love with the people who matter most.

Worked both on the back end and developed a cross-platform codebase for the app from scratch.


A React Native-based cross-platform medical application built in a dynamic way to allow the owners to set it up according to the varying diagnostics of doctors.

Crypto Exchange Wallet (Vybera)

一个基于react和react native的加密钱包应用程序,具有广泛的服务层. The service layer enables support for the exchanges between most of the crypto currencies throughout different platforms. The app is non-custodial and is built with a high level of security in order to protect the user.

Angl Design

A Unity-based 3D one-stop solution for architecture, design, and engineering buildings online. 该应用程序允许不同的专家连接并无缝同步他们的设计.

Technologies: Unity, Node.js, and Angular


The project consists of a web-based screen recorder built on top of Angular and Firebase. 实现测试和REST api,并将模型转换为UI组件.

Technologies: Angular, Firebase



Technologies: Vue.js, PHP, AWS, Vuex, Docker

React Native 3D Cube

Contributed to react-native-3dcube-navigation as it was a dependency of an implementation, 这导致了对链接中列出的开源存储库的贡献.

Technologies: React Native, Redux

Next Level Online

A React-based webinar management software (back end/front end) that allows users to register and pay for different webinars and check their specific details including the people who have registered and the instructor information.

技术:React、Firebase、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Stripe

Air Camera

This project was developed using React Native in order to have a single codebase for multiple platforms and a snappy UX. We used Redux to make sure the state mutations happened as smoothly as possible with the UI.

Technologies: React Native, Redux

TIGO Home Activator

该平台允许用户查找他们所在地区的互联网服务, buy them, 预约以简化激活程序.

Technologies: Node.js, Mithril.js

Wireless Analytics

A Vue.基于js的销售点前端,使用户能够创建, configure, 并根据一套可配置的规则向网络运营商销售捆绑包.

Technologies: Vue.js, Webpack, Node.js, Boostrap

Small Prayer

A React Native app that helps people create groups and send small prayers to each other taking advantage of Firebase on the back end.

Technologies: React Native/Firebase

Healint Component Library

On this project, a robust component library packed with an extensible theme that propagates across all the elements was created. A component demo was also added so that the components are showcased and their code can be easily copied.

Technologies: JavaScript, Vue.js, ES6

Dermalogica Face Map

This React-based product uses facial recognition to determine the quality of the skin of the user and give recommendations to improve his skin based on many computed parameters.

Technologies: React, Node.js, PHP


A Chrome extension that fires up at random times during the day to measure daily employee satisfaction. 然后,这些数据被发送到一台服务器,由它来处理这些数据.



• A single-page application written with Ionic which is aimed for all mobile phones/tablets.

The main task of this project was multifaceted frameworks/languages in order to implement/fix the required features.


Space Chicken Saga

A Unity3D adventure game set in space that pivots around helping a chicken make it through space using real-time physics elements.


Kactus is a mobile application that provides users with thousands of community generated to-­do lists that would break down complex procedures into simple tasks.


一款3d平台游戏(使用Unity构建),包含包含新技能的多个动作, powerups, tutorials, and enemies. The development was led by a team of four (a designer, a composer, a QA, and a level designer). 这款游戏是用c#编程的,可用于iOS和Android平台.

Barcode Queue

• Server: A Node.js server using Meteor.
• Scanner: A React Native app to help people get into a queue using a QR and the device's camera.


Remote Gate Opener

使用PhoneGap构建的远程开门器. It takes commands from the user and uses an API to open up gates controlled by a custom-built RPI.

Urban Eights

Urban Eights is a minimum viable product (MVP) for a client that needed a fully functional Tinder clone for shopping. 移动应用程序是使用React Native编写的.


This is software that translates human blinks into a set of commands for hospital patients and links them to a web interface. C++ was used to detect the blinks, send the data to the server, 然后使用AngularJS来显示这些信息.


This interface integrates different sensors onto an application which reads the movements and creates harmonious music out of the information.

Ignite ERP

A fully-fledged enterprise resource plan for manufacturing companies that tackled different departments (e.g.(生产、销售、营销等).

技术:Angular, Node, MongoDB, Boostrap
2014 - 2015


IE Business School - Madrid, Spain

2006 - 2011




React, Vue, Node.js、Google Maps、REST API、WebRTC、jQuery、Facebook API.js, Redux-Saga


Mongoose, Figma, Jira, Sublime Text, Git, Visual Studio, Webpack, Mocha, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Redux Thunk, Expo


React Native, Angular, Unity, Redux, Angular Material, Bootstrap 3+, NestJS, Jest, Tailwind CSS, Nuxt.js, Next.js, Cypress, Mithril.js, Express.js, ASP.. NET MVC, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


JavaScript, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Objective-C, C#, PHP, SQL, Java, Python, Sass, Semantic HTML, Ruby, GraphQL


Microservices, Unit Testing, Continuous Integration (CI), Mobile Development, Scrum, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, Testing, REST, Responsive Development, Event-driven Programming, UI Design, UX Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Waterfall Development, Serverless Architecture


iOS, Firebase, Contentful, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MacOS, Windows Phone, Meteor, Blockchain, Mobile, Android


MongoDB, Cloud Firestore, CouchDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL,图形数据库


Front-end, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Web Development, APIs, A/B Testing, Full-stack, SaaS, Full-stack Development, Technical Leadership, Front-end Development, Mobile App Development, MERN Stack, API Integration, Leadership, Software Design, Startups, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Cross-platform App Development, Game Development, Angular Component Architecture, 客户关系管理(CRM), CI/CD Pipelines, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Architecture, SEO Tools, Chrome Extensions, Cloud Platforms, Back-end, Physics Simulations, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Ajax, Serverless, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Express Scribe

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