Michael Poythress, Product Manager in Portland, OR, United States
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Michael Poythress

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Portland, OR, United States
Toptal Member Since
March 12, 2019

Michael excels at engineering technology, interacting with colleagues, 以及开发流程来解决人和组织的日常问题——无论大小. As a proficient Agile product manager and design leader, 在过去的18年里,他一直在为企业和终端消费者规划和交付网络和移动项目. 他在战略架构和端到端解决方案创建方面也有丰富的经验.

Project Highlights

Multi-channel Online Sales Platform
ANS: Business Management Platform
Custom CRM for BBVA Compass
Led development of a complex, internal CRM for tracking accounts and leads in a high-security, enterprise bank environment.


Work Experience

Product Manager | Product Owner

2014 - 2019
RetailMakr (eCommerce Platform)
  • Created a web-based, mission-critical business platform used by thousands of businesses.
  • 根据广泛的用户和涉众访谈,设定项目策略、方向和优先级.
  • 管理开发路线图和工程师团队,以增强和支持基于web的软件平台.999% uptime.
  • 设计了一个机器学习系统,每天根据来自多个来源的大量数据自动更新数百万产品的销售价格.
  • 定义公司范围内的工具和流程,以便在所有团队中实施敏捷方法,使用的工具包括, but not limited to, Jira, Aha!随着该公司从每月处理0个订单发展到每月处理1万个订单,Asana、Trello和Slack的业务也在不断增长.
  • 在两年内将公司从1名远程员工发展到超过25名,并推动了相关流程和精益组织结构的发展, continuous improvement.
  • Selected and trained new team members, 建立员工入职流程,让新员工在两周内就能高效工作.
  • 通过撰写和提交业务概述材料和尽职调查文件成功筹集外部投资.
  • 通过定期的进度和时间表报告,保持董事会和公司高管的业务意识.
  • Led the creation of real-time data dashboards to support all aspects of the business, using visualization tools such as Mode Analytics.

Digital Product Manager, CTO

2013 - 2014
Brickstr (Cause Marketing Application and Network)
  • Documented project features and requirements, user profiles, and user stories through in-depth business analysis and discussions with founders.
  • 与业务负责人协调制定一个商定的项目计划、时间表和预算.
  • Designed overall platform and system architecture, and produced an interactive prototype of the mobile app.
  • 在3个月内交付一款原生iOS应用、网页应用和API服务器, via two remote development teams working simultaneously.

Project Manager | Owner

2008 - 2014
Company 52 (Web Development Agency)
  • 领导70多个网络和移动项目,为50多个行业的客户完成.
  • Created and launched six online SaaS products.
  • 建立并领导设计师和程序员团队(全部远程)同时执行多个项目.
  • Collaborate with client visionaries and technical specialists to deliver project estimates, proposals, and plans.
  • Handled all of the operational aspects of the business, including strategy, resource management, team development, and customer contacts.
  • Coordinated closely with clients and engineering team to complete each product on spec, on budget, and on schedule (often with tight deadlines).

Product Owner | Founder

2007 - 2009
Glarity Media Store
  • 开发了一种商业模式和网络应用程序,创建了一个在线媒体商店——类似于itunes——面向利基市场.
  • Produced an operational prototype, with a remote team of ten developers.
  • Recruited the team and managed team culture, leading a team of ~ten people.
  • Set up and maintained the physical server infrastructure required for the project.
  • Raised seed funding.

Multi-channel Online Sales Platform


This product was created to provide a simple, painless, full-service and no-cost option for retail businesses to get online orders.

• Manage products.
• Publish product listings on marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.
• Provide customer service at scale
• Manage all aspects of shipping and product return logistics

Customers are acquired through a distributed, commissioned direct sales team.

该业务现在成功地为数百家公司处理电子商务销售的各个方面, using algorithms, machine learning, APIs, financial processing, security, reporting, and big data; additional features and capabilities are also being continually added.

ANS: Business Management Platform


Created an internal business management tool, 一家员工超过250人的产品销售公司,为美国一家大型零售商服务.

• Increased efficiency of a completely distributed staff by more than 50%
• Reduced costs and mistakes by at least 25%


Custom CRM for BBVA Compass

Led development of a complex, internal CRM for tracking accounts and leads in a high-security, enterprise bank environment.

Delivered features on time, to meet business-critical contractual deadlines for a large national bank.

该应用程序跟踪700多万个账户中的每个账户的数千个数据点,并通过了SAS 70(现在是SSAE 16)审核.

As the product manager, 我协调了多个团队和供应商的工作,因为我们确定了优先级,并交付了一长串关键任务特性.

There were numerous stakeholders and expectations to manage—in a high-stakes, high-stress scenario—but we did it successfully and launched the application on time.

Inventory Management System


With no prior "large warehouse" or fulfillment center inventory management experience, I was assigned to lead a team in inventorying all the products in a 100,000平方英尺的仓库,并获得已集成到电子商务平台的数据,以便立即销售和履行.


This inventory management system has been continually enhanced and is still in active use, now serving multiple warehouses with a unique high-speed and efficient system.

Bonlavi Products

Brought two brand new physical products to market for a new consumer brand.

In my role, I led the design, testing, manufacturing, import, marketing, sales, and distribution of brand new consumer products in the home-goods industry.

The products were a profitable success, selling out multiple production runs, and company was ultimately hand-picked by Amazon as a back-end supplier.

To Your Success: Business Management Application


A mid-size customer appreciation gift company was unable to grow further, 由于使用一系列耗时的手动过程在完全断开的软件工具之间传递信息-用于会计, inventory management, CRM, shipping, surveys and responses, product customization, and order processing.


The new application met and exceeded the owners' goals, and has enabled a new wave of growth and profitability through new products and services. Five of the previous software tools were completely replaced, 其余两个现在通过API集成与主应用程序紧密耦合.

Rainmaker Tweet2Give—Social Giving

Launched Twitter-based financial transaction processing.

我们的团队成功创建并推出了一项在线服务,该服务可以添加到用户的Twitter帐户中,并与用户的PayPal帐户和/或信用卡连接,通过发布包含hashtag (#makeitrain)或用户名的tweet来发起支付, and an amount.

Designed as an alternative to "text to give," specifically for social cause marketing and raising awareness for needs, we coordinated a roll-out with a handful of non-profits and celebrities.

52 Deals Flash Sale Platform

Launched and operated a multi-city "flash sale" platform, similar to Groupon.

Created and managed an independent Groupon-like flash sale application, used by local marketing agencies in several cities.

This platform served email lists of approximately 200,000 addresses, and successfully processed thousands of financial transactions per day.

Real Estate Advertising Website


Created and operated one of the largest regional advertising websites for 7 years, serving over 10,000 customers/real estate sellers.

Private Pilot



Slack, Sequel Pro, MySQL Performance Tuning, ShipStation, Asana, GitHub, Git, GitLab, Google Slides, Google Docs, Grasshopper, Microsoft Word, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), ETL, QuickBooks Online, Intuit QuickBooks, Navicat, MySQL Workbench, Jira, Board Reporting, SendGrid, Mailchimp, Trello, Sketch, Scraping Hub, Basecamp, Google Analytics, InVision, Atlassian


MacOS, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Linux, Shopify, Adobe Suite, Magento, Blockchain, Heroku, Mandrill, Mailgun


Scrum, Agile, Agile Workflow, Agile Product Management, Agile Project Management, Agile Software Development, Kanban, Web Architecture, Marketplace Platforms, Database Schema Design, Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Interactive Prototyping, Iterative Development, Waterfall Development, B2C, Design Thinking, Mobile App Design, Test-driven Development (TDD), Microservices

Industry Expertise

eBay, Banking & Finance, Logistics, Shipping, Transportation & Shipping, Automotive, Residential Real Estate, Sales & Marketing, Aviation, Digital Agencies, Pets, Food & Beverage, Home Construction, Music, Telecommunications, Toys & Children's Products, Childcare


Rapid Application Development (RAD), Product Development, Consulting, Story Mapping, Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), Agile Sprints, UX Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), WordPress, Linux, Technology, Technology Trends, Technology Strategy & Architecture, Product Ownership, Product Planning, Product Design, Product Delivery, New Product Development, Product Discovery, Digital Product Design, Software, Small Business, Startups, SQL, User Stories, User Flows, Account Management, Web, PHP, MySQL, Amazon, Amazon Aurora, Linux Servers, Customer Support, Project Support, Lean Product Development, Lean Project Management, Data Architecture, HTML, CSS, Data Engineering, Feature Backlog Prioritization, Web App Development, Business Process Flow Diagrams, Process Flows, User Requirements, Web Design, Web Development, Remote Work, Project Planning, Delivery Management, Project Delivery, Projects, Software Engineering, Solution Design, Solution Architecture, Creative Problem Solving, Stakeholder Engagement, Service, Teamwork, Web Hosting, Business, Databases, Database Table Optimization, Technology Consulting, App Development, Digital Project Management, Product Management, Technical Product Management, Software Project Management, Mobile/Web Project Management, Technical Project Management, eCommerce, eCommerce Management, Data, User Experience (UX), Project Lifecycle, Project Design, Project Analysis, Software Development, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Executive Reporting, Business Planning, Business Analysis, Mode Analytics, User Journey Maps, User Journeys, Product Strategy, Public Speaking, Process Design, Order Management, Customer Service, Customer Success, Product Roadmaps, Product Launch, User Interface (UI), Business Processes, Contract, Virtual Work, Coaching, Freelancing, Requirements, Go-to-market Plans, User Research, Business Models, Product Marketing, Product Frameworks, Innovation, BRD, Software Requirements Specifications (SRS), Product Conceptualization, Robotics Product Manager, Cloud, Business Consulting, Product Consultant, eCommerce Platforms, Business Process Automation, Product Development Manager, Music Product Manager, Websites, Web UX, Web App UX, Web Applications, Estimations, Cost Estimation, Project Estimation, Agile Leadership, Backlog Management, Roadmaps, Feature Roadmaps, Feature Prioritization, Project Management, Scope Management, Project Leadership, Planning, Sprints, Learning, Product Vision, Amazon FBM, Finance, IT, Software as a Service (SaaS), Product Growth, Management, B2B, Stress Testing, iOS, Amazon EC2, Retail & Wholesale, Small Business Management, Multimedia, Warehouse Operations, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Accounting, Design, Amazon FBA, Data Analytics, Administration, Backlog Grooming, Market Fit, UI Design, Flowcharts, Documentation, Technical Documentation, Remote Team Leadership, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Prototyping, Wireframing, Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), Data Visualization, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JavaScript, APIs, Content Management Systems (CMS), Strategy, Business Strategy, Digital Strategy, Branding, Growth Strategy, Social Media, Performance Testing, Team Leadership, Laravel, Inventory Management, Automation, Sales, Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP), Risk Management, eCommerce Payments, Payment APIs, Payment Processing, Contract Negotiation, Software Architecture, Software QA, Vendor Management, People Management, Strategic Planning & Execution, Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), Recruiting, User Interviews, Stakeholder Interviews, Hiring, CTO, Budget Management, Budgeting, Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis, Mobile, Mobile UX, Mobile Apps, Mobile UI, Integration, Software Integration, Operations, Implementation, Software Implementation, Full-stack, Photography, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, Sales Management, Email Marketing, Video Streaming, Analytics, Human Resources (HR), Agile Coaching, Financial Reporting, Image Manipulation, Dropbox, Payment Gateways, Technical Program Management, Reporting, Cross-functional Team Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospectives, Machine Learning, Big Data, Technical Hiring, Complex Problem Solving, Data-driven Decision-making, Manufacturing, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Cloudflare, Lucidchart, Apparel & Accessories, Fintech, Node.js, Marketing, Video Production, Vue, Single Sign-on (SSO), Python, RESTful Microservices, Digital Advertising, Cryptocurrency, Neo4j, Amazon API, Amazon MWS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Server Infrastructure

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