Rehman Ashfaq,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜市场专家
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Rehman Ashfaq

Verified Expert  in Marketing


May 11, 2023

Rehman is a growth-centric marketing expert who has led the development and execution of various digital marketing campaigns for products in eCommerce, B2C, 和B2B组织. He has experience working with distributed teams for all types of organizations, 从初创公司到大公司. Rehman excels at creating inspired and innovative messaging to acquire qualified leads with solid intent.


Lead Generation
领导设计和开发Facebook上的潜在客户生成活动, Instagram, Google, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter, achieving 6,000 conversions and a 6% goal conversion rate while decreasing the cost per conversion from $20 to $7.


Work Experience


2021 - PRESENT
  • Collaborated with senior executives and experts to develop a comprehensive sales and marketing communication plan, incorporating strategies for mobile advertising and several solutions like 微软的广告 and social media optimization.
  • Automated the marketing and sales process using tools such as GetResponse to ensure consistency and well-delivered communication between the team, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Led a team of expert marketers and business development managers to achieve short- and long-term goals.
  • Performed marketing attribution analyses to demonstrate the effectiveness and impact of solutions on key metrics such as traffic, conversions, and SaaS sales.


2020 - 2021
Life Pharmacy
  • Worked with the digital marketing manager to build and execute a marketing plan on all online channels.
  • Led the website and mobile development team in redesigning the website and sitemaps and building mobile applications from scratch on new technologies.
  • 带领一个设计师团队, content creators, 以及有影响力的营销人员来提高知名度, engagement, 并通过战略性地使用视觉媒体进行销售.
  • 修复了所有SEO技术问题, 提高了产品页面加载速度, 用合适的关键词和标题优化内容.


2019 - 2021
  • Implemented an SEO strategy for the startup and increased the organic traffic from 0 visitors to 6.六个月内每月有4000名访客.
  • Created a complete B2B digital marketing plan to increase brand awareness and lead generation.
  • 优化网站内容、登陆页面和付费搜索文案. Collected data and created reports on traffic, rankings, and other SEO aspects.
  • 与销售团队紧密合作,了解客户需求, software sales, 以及数字营销活动产生的潜在客户的质量.


2020 - 2020
  • 为企业制定了完整的B2B和B2C数字营销计划.
  • Planned, executed, and tracked SEO and app store optimization (ASO) campaigns. 我获得了竞争激烈的关键词排名, 导致有机流量增加1,400 to 5,每月访客500人.
  • 对竞争对手进行SWOT分析, 列出他们的优势, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Built an engaging social media calendar and worked closely with a designer to create exciting posts. 负责Facebook、Instagram和苹果搜索广告.
  • Implemented complete app store optimization to increase visibility and traffic on Android and iOS mobile apps.
  • Introduced an SEO strategy to increase the website's search engine ranking and attract more relevant organic and paid traffic that generates more conversions and ROI.
  • Monitored daily performance metrics to understand SEO strategy performance and efficiently communicate with other marketing professionals to align goals.
  • Handled creating and optimizing Google Ads campaigns, searches, displays, and shopping. I set up conversion tracking with Google Analytics and event tracking with Google标签管理器 and Adobe DTM.


Led the design and development of a highly successful email marketing campaign to convert marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) to sales-qualified leads (SQLs). 我设法在三个月内将转换率提高了11%.

Wealthface is a powerful investment platform that helps you grow and manage your money by investing in stocks, ETFs, and commodities.

I led the design and development of a highly successful email marketing campaign. 该活动专门设计用于将mql转换为sql, 最终带来更多的转化率和销量. 这是我们竞选努力的结果, 我们仅在三个月内就将转换率提高了11%. This was a significant accomplishment for our team and the company as a whole, 因为它积极地影响了整个业务目标.

领导这个电子邮件活动的发展, I leveraged my skills and experience in marketing and my understanding of our target audience's behavior, needs, and fears. I guided the team in creating messaging that resonated with the audience and structured the campaign in a way that made it easy for our audience to follow and understand.


带领一个内容写手团队, web developers, and SEO specialists to optimize the overall eCommerce website's organic visibility, 在短短六个月内,流量增加了200%.

Life Pharmacy是阿联酋最大的零售连锁药店, 拥有350多家零售店和一家电子商务商店.

我领导着一支才华横溢的内容写手团队, web developers, and SEO specialists to optimize our eCommerce website's organic visibility. Our goal was to increase traffic to the website and make it more visible to potential customers searching for products similar to ours. 通过我们的共同努力, we implemented various strategies that resulted in a 200% increase in traffic to our website in just six months. This remarkable achievement had a significant impact on the overall success of the business.

该策略涉及解决所有技术SEO问题, 提高电子商务产品页面加载速度, 并优化内容与适当的关键字和标题. The sole implementation of these basic strategies significantly optimized the website and made us meet our KPIs satisfactorily.

Lead Generation

领导设计和开发Facebook上的潜在客户生成活动, Instagram, Google, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter, achieving 6,000 conversions and a 6% goal conversion rate while decreasing the cost per conversion from $20 to $7.

I led the design and development of a lead generation campaign to attract and convert potential customers into leads for our business. Through careful planning and execution, we were able to achieve remarkable results.

Our campaign resulted in 6,000 conversions, a significant achievement for us. Additionally, we achieved a goal conversion rate of 6%, our campaign target. These figures show that many people who engaged with our campaign became leads for our business. 此外,我们将每次转化成本从20美元降至7美元. As a result, 我们实现了目标,同时降低了活动的总成本, 哪一场胜利对我们来说意义重大.
2008 - 2010



















Google Analytics认证


2022年8月- 2023年8月




数字营销, 有机社交媒体, 社交媒体内容, 数字营销策略, 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 数字广告, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), 社交媒体优化, 应用商店优化(ASO), SEO Content, SEO Audits, SEO Tools, SEO关键词研究, 广告活动, 营销活动, Lead Generation, 市场策, 产品营销, 转化率优化(CRO), Copywriting, Keyword Research, Link Building, Google Ads, Email Campaigns, Social Media, 社交媒体管理, YouTube Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Email Marketing, 展示广告, Paid Advertising, 营销自动化, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Media Buying, 销售业绩, 应用商店营销, 内容营销, 营销技术(MarTech), 苹果搜索广告, 基于客户的营销(ABM), Content Creation, 内容营销策略, Content Strategy, Google SEO, Facebook Ads, 数字运动, Sales, 社交媒体策略, TikTok Ads, Twitter Ads, 电子邮件营销自动化, Content, 社交媒体发帖, Cold Emailing, Local SEO, On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Organic SEO, WordPress SEO, SEO Backlinking, SEO Marketing, Google AdWords, 谷歌广告, Google Paid Ads, Facebook视频广告, Blogging, Google标签管理器, 移动广告, Software Sales

Platforms & Tools

Omnisend, Ahrefs, Facebook广告经理, 谷歌广告管理器, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Bing Ads, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Amazon SEO, Meta Platform, Instagram Ads, Marketo, GetResponse


Semrush, Digital Strategy, B2B潜在客户生成, Startups, Product Launch, 营销ROI优化, 网站优化, 登陆页优化, Shopify, 业务发展, 项目管理, Sales & CRM Platforms, YouTube, Paid Search, 谷歌显示网络, 电子邮件自动回复, Event Marketing, 程序化的营销, 营销归因, Growth Marketing, 营销计划, 客户体验, Web Design, Salesforce, WordPress, Paid Media, Web Content, Branded Content, Email, Drip Email, YouTube SEO, Sales Support, Technical SEO, 微软的广告, Crypto, Adobe DTM, Sitemaps, SaaS Sales



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