Maryam Mahjoub,加拿大安大略省多伦多的市场营销专家
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Maryam Mahjoub

验证专家  in Marketing


July 17, 2023

Maryam is an expert digital marketer focusing on B2B enterprise marketing and strategy. 作为SIMBA Chain的CMO, 她执行了一项成功的市场策略, 确保主要行业伙伴关系. Her SaaS, A/B testing, ABM, and lead generation skills have invariably boosted conversions and shortened sales cycles. At ConsenSys, Maryam ensured opportunities with Swift, Hitachi, and Ford. As a hands-on, analytical, 创意顾问, 她为多家公司改进了营销策略.


Launched a new website specifically designed for demand generation through high-value content, 将MQL转换为SQL的转化率从12%提高到20%以上.




2021 - 2023
  • 启动Blocks的市场进入策略, 领导产品营销,推动沟通, positioning, and lead generation activities that resulted in partnerships with Fujitsu, Deloitte, Mondelez Foods, and Volvo.
  • 制定了包括新网站在内的数字战略, 改进的SEO和SEM, 内容管理, 以及AdWords的数字广告, LinkedIn, 和AdWork Media. This helped increase MQL to SQL lead conversions from 12% to over 20%.
  • Collaborated with sales and product teams to develop midstream funnel content and sales enablement materials to help reduce the sales cycle.
  • 与凯捷等合作伙伴合作, Atomic32, Deloitte, and Hyperledger Foundation to create co-marketing materials and combined go-to-market strategies.
  • Developed account-based marketing campaigns that led to over 30% engagement and four opportunities—each worth around $80,000—with a $2,000 budget.
  • Created ongoing investor materials and decks for Series B funding and monthly board reports and updates.


2017 - 2023
  • 帮助了8家以上的医疗保健(HL7)公司, Komodo Health), fintech (Soramitsu), martech (Verasity), 以及其他行业的营销需求, 从品牌推广到需求生成, product launch, press releases, and marketing.
  • Verasity的B2C应用下载量从130次增加,000 to over 300,000 in six months with organic and paid social media management (via Hootsuite), 公共关系, 用户体验改进.
  • 科莫多生命值每铅消耗降低10%, 改善市场进入策略, streamlining lead management processes from marketing to sales, and increasing conversion rates with targeted sales enablement materials.
  • Boosted Soramitsu's social media visibility by more than 200% before the product launch, aiming to increase the consumer app's Day 1 conversion rates.
  • 重新命名HL7并推出新网站, helping to increase memberships and event attendance and sponsorships.


2019 - 2020
  • 领导品牌发展, 产品定位, and product marketing for three development enterprise products.
  • Created a lead generation and growth strategy that brought in opportunities with Swift, Hitachi, and Ford, amongst others.
  • Reduced acquisition costs by improving event participation with data on event performance. Enhanced account-based marketing strategies and launched a new website for demand generation and funnel optimization.


2011 - 2014
Canada Post
  • 启动该组织的合作伙伴计划, responsible for $900 million of flow-through revenue with a $200,营运预算. Developed partner tiers, incentives, training, and a support plan.
  • Exceeded annual goals for net new revenue by at least 130% every year.
  • Led a partner acquisition strategy to grow partners from 350 in 2011 to over 650 in 2013.
  • Launched a new website for partners and implemented a demand generation strategy, 从每月850个增加到超过3个,000.


Launched a new website specifically designed for demand generation through high-value content, 将MQL转换为SQL的转化率从12%提高到20%以上.

SIMBA wanted to update its website and focus heavily on demand generation. 他们的策略是创造高价值的内容,比如网络研讨会, case studies, 还有电子指南供下载, 允许SIMBA收集联系信息.

We personalized the user experience by asking visitors about their 区块链的旅程 and industry, guiding them down a tailored demand generation path via automated and personalized emails.
We also led an acquisition strategy using Google Ads and LinkedIn, aligning with the website's new messaging to ensure a seamless user experience.

The project's success was marked by a 300% increase in website visits and an improvement in marketing qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads (SQL) conversions from 12% to over 20%. 德勤等受人尊敬的合作伙伴认可了我们的成功, further validating our effective demand generation and advertising strategies.


领导VeraViews的发布, 为欺诈管理而设计的市场技术解决方案, garnering heavy organic traffic and partnership opportunities from organizations like Tencent and Brightcove.

作为Verasity营销和公共关系的负责人, 我专注于推广VeraViews, a martech platform designed for fraud detection of video ad views. My responsibilities spanned branding, 产品定位, content strategy, and product launch. 我强调了所有渠道普遍存在的欺诈问题, simplifying the narrative around VeraViews' implementation compared to competitors.

利用我的产品营销专长, I crafted a compelling narrative that resonated with our audience. My understanding of web UX guided the design of a user-centric website, facilitating organic social media engagement and demand generation. I utilized a mix of organic and paid social media strategies for advertising, ensuring a consistent and impactful message across all platforms.


领导一个基于账户的营销(ABM)活动,花费2美元,000, 获得30%的参与度和4个机会, each worth $80,000+.

领导SIMBA Chain区块链产品的ABM活动, "Blocks,“我瞄准了一个特定的受众, 绕过昂贵的传统媒体.

In November, 我们发起了一场混合媒体运动, 为80个人定制礼品套装, including a personalized Lego box mirroring our product's name. Each box featured unique packaging, messaging, and a QR code.

The QR code led each recipient to a personalized landing page with content tailored to their industry, 区块链的旅程, and potential opportunities identified through market segmentation. 每个收件人还收到了一条领英信息, call, and email from our business development representative (BDR), confirming receipt of the gift set and initiating a conversation, demonstrating our commitment to lead generation and sales support.

运动取得了令人鼓舞的结果, with over 30% of recipients visiting their personalized landing pages and our BDR initiating conversations with four companies.
2016 - 2017



1998 - 2002







内容策略,产品营销,市场调研 & Analysis, 战略营销, 数字营销策略, 社交媒体策略, 品牌营销, 市场策, Marketing Mix, 内容营销, 市场营销分析, Google Ads, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), 搜索引擎营销(SEM), Sales, Copywriting, 基于客户的营销(ABM), SEO Tools, 产品定位, Branding, Content, Social Media, SEO Content, 营销技术(MarTech), Marketing, 数字营销, 铅一代, 公共关系(PR), 有机社交媒体

Platforms & Tools

谷歌分析,Mailchimp, HubSpot


SaaS产品营销,B2B,企业对企业(B2B), B2C


数据管理, Healthcare, User Journeys, 研究方法, Websites, B2B潜在客户生成, 需求一代, 品牌发展, Sales Strategy, B2B合作伙伴, Startups, 客户演示, Events, 增长的市场营销, Hotjar, Semrush, Hootsuite, 项目管理, Analytics, UX Analysis, 统计分析, Statistics, VWO, Strategy, 人员管理, 投资者关系, 竞争分析, Mobile UX, 团队的领导, 社会经济增长, Hiring, 业务流程, 运营管理, Advertising, Salesforce, Budgeting, 获取客户, 竞争对手分析 & Profiling, Web UX, Press Releases, 渠道管理, Sales Support, 直接营销, 团队管理, Product Launch, 市场细分, 跨职能团队领导, 项目范围, Project Design, 项目预算管理



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