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验证专家  in 市场营销



Faz is a published author and seasoned performance marketing and 搜索引擎优化 professional with a consolidated experience of seven years and flair to solve growth challenges for brands in SaaS, edtech, fintech, 时尚, 零售, 和快速消费品. He is well versed with actionable frameworks for media buying and go-to-market strategy.


生成超过180,000条合格线索, 管理总广告支出约500美元,12个月,000英镑, 并将主要关键词排在谷歌搜索结果的前五位.
在Facebook上,每条线索的成本几乎降低了100%, 通过Facebook和谷歌广告实现绩效营销目标, 并将主要关键词排在有机搜索结果的前五位.
应用全面, 整合营销策略和实施搜索引擎优化的蓝图, 内容和邮件营销, 谷歌和脸书的广告.




Meta Build Pro
  • Involved in content and marketing strategy for launching the website and building a community of Web3 enthusiasts.
  • 准备向风投和投资者推销的平台和营销工具, 是什么帮助你获得了A轮融资.
  • 从竞争对手那里收集可操作的见解, 焦点小组, 以及市场研究,以帮助在增长框架中做出关键决策.
  • 为链接建设提供战略指导, 在线声誉管理, 提高在线知名度, including voice search 优化 and setting the tone of voice for guest posting and content collaboration initiatives.


2022 - 2022
  • 为登陆页文案制定策略, 优化, and design for a personalized skincare brand to onboard aestheticians for the Formulator program to highlight the USPs and benefits of the brand.
  • Increased signups and conversion by up to 200% to onboard medical-graded aestheticians.
  • 为这个护肤品牌增加了高达10万美元的潜在收入.


2020 - 2022
  • 在Muzigal担任数字营销经理, a VC-funded (Kalari Capital) edtech startup providing online music education. It offers personalized one-on-one coaching, connecting music learners with expert music teachers.
  • 使用谷歌广告和Facebook广告生成了超过18万个合格的潜在客户. 总广告支出约为0美元.5M in 12 months while implementing comprehensive performance marketing and social media management strategies.
  • 使用搜索引擎优化将主要关键词排在谷歌搜索的第一页, saving up to 30% of monthly advertising costs and contributing to increased profits.
  • 执行竞争对手分析和分析. Set up and managed lead generation and 优化 for Facebook and 谷歌 campaigns for Muzigal and brands like GaadiSaaf, Studio11, Isa水疗, 合作设计, 和IOCL.
  • Restructured and optimized the 谷歌 Search campaigns for the best performance, which yielded five times the number of leads and decreased the cost per lead by up to 300%. 这使得月收入增加了三倍.


2020 - 2020
  • Decreased cost per lead in Facebook ads by almost 200% through ad 优化. Refined the copy and ad images and optimized the targeting to meet the monthly revenue goals of $150,管理60美元的广告支出,在谷歌和Facebook的广告上.
  • 优化, 托管的客户端交互, and prepared audit reports of 13 websites for 搜索引擎优化 in many niches to rank them on page 1 of google organic search results. Niches included real estate, skincare, cosmetics, health supplements, and automobile.
  • Head-hunted by this creative and digital agency to be the account manager for performance marketing and 搜索引擎优化 clients.
  • 管理账户, 搜索引擎优化, 应用商店优化(麻生太郎), 游戏化, 以及为Lafz等品牌提供客户服务, 争吵, 情绪, 和DNA数字.
  • Tracked daily performance and 优化 of Facebook and 谷歌 campaigns. Strategized with the delivery team to achieve daily and monthly lead-generation goals.
  • Achieved first-page rankings on 谷歌 Search for the new brands 晶石印度 and Lafz.
  • Contributed to podcast marketing by editing and launching podcast services through a partner. 其中一些播客包括Renee Warren的Into the Wild, Karen Martel主持的荷尔蒙解决方案播客, 以及茱莉亚·史密斯的无畏练习.
  • 与Audigo等程序化广告平台合作, StackAdapt, 谷歌AdMob, 和Advertisecast来帮助播客接触到他们的受众.


2018 - 2018
  • 开发可衡量的跟踪和报告系统来定义每月, 每周, 每日目标和关键绩效指标,如每次转化成本, 转换, 广告支出节奏.
  • 在每个国家共开展了25场活动.e., 新加坡, 马来西亚, 菲律宾, 和印尼, 对于关键的服务类别,比如搬运工, 清洁, 空调服务, 改造, 以及公司的其他产品线.
  • Achieved a 200% increase in net revenue by achieving KPIs and managed a budget of $78,000 per month.


2017 - 2017
  • 精心制作了一份全面的, integrated marketing and email strategy and implemented a blueprint for 搜索引擎优化, 内容营销, 电子邮件营销, 谷歌和Facebook的广告——都在绩效营销的保护伞下.
  • Launched a "Shopping Fiesta" social media campaign to get traction for the app. The campaign involved a landing page where users have to perform actions to gain points and be rewarded based on points on the leaderboard.
  • Organically onboarded more than 30 零售 merchants to sign up on the platform, 近1000名新用户, 在活动中产生了100次购买.
  • Spearheaded digital marketing strategies to drive installs and increase user retention for the GT Dollar mobile app and GT的机器人.
  • 建立了一个微型网站,并与Aperia Mall合作发起了一场活动, 新加坡, 为GT Dollar移动应用程序创造500名新用户.
  • 创建和部署社交媒体内容, 与目标受众互动, 并通过战略性广告投放扩大了覆盖面.


2014 - 2016
  • Acted as the chief marketing officer (CMO) and oversaw performance marketing.
  • 优化 the website and achieved a number-one ranking for the primary keywords on 谷歌 Search.
  • 推出线下和线上针对消费者的营销策略.



生成超过180,000条合格线索, 管理总广告支出约500美元,12个月,000英镑, 并将主要关键词排在谷歌搜索结果的前五位.

Muzigal是一家提供在线音乐教育的教育科技初创公司. It offers personalized one-to-one coaching, connecting music learners with expert music teachers. 这个想法是在大流行期间产生的.

The objective was to scale this minimum viable product from day one and generate consistent and qualified leads through paid channels, 主要是通过Facebook和谷歌针对印度亚洲人的广告, 新加坡, 马来西亚, 中东, 澳大利亚, 和北美. Lead generation and revenue were critical to achieving series-A funding, and it had to be done soon. 在谷歌广告业务稳步起步后,增长曲线开始下滑.

Our solution included creating a pricing strategy and restructuring and optimizing the 谷歌 Search campaigns for the best performance. As a result, the number of leads increased by five times within the allocated budget. Meanwhile, the cost per lead decreased by almost 300%, and monthly revenue figures tripled.


在Facebook上,每条线索的成本几乎降低了100%, 通过Facebook和谷歌广告实现绩效营销目标, 并将主要关键词排在有机搜索结果的前五位.

晶石印度, 全球零售巨头, 希望在竞争激烈的印度市场扩大自己的在线业务.

The company initiated website migration to a new interface without considering the 搜索引擎优化 factors when over 50% of their traffic was organic. 这是在大流行季节. 晶石印度 wanted to maximize the opportunity to penetrate the Indian market and compete with other major players to become a household brand.

Our solution was implementing the website migration and page redirection checklist for 搜索引擎优化 and fixing the on-page, 线下, 以及技术组件. 在做搜索引擎优化的时候, we also deployed Facebook and 谷歌广告 to help them achieve revenue and conversion targets.


应用全面, 整合营销策略和实施搜索引擎优化的蓝图, 内容和邮件营销, 谷歌和脸书的广告.

GT Dollar是一家总部位于新加坡的金融科技公司. 它允许用户从F的商家那里申请特殊折扣和优惠&B和零售. The goal was to drive installs and users for the app through offline and online channels.
2011 - 2011



2005 - 2009


Vellore理工学院- Vellore,泰米尔纳德邦,印度


市场营销, 谷歌广告, Facebook的广告, 登陆页面, 电子邮件营销, 数字运动, 搜索引擎优化审计, 内容策略, 内容创作, 文案, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 数字营销策略, 市场策, 营销策略, 社交媒体策略, 目标观众, 内容营销, 品牌, 品牌战略, 社交媒体内容, 市场研究 & 分析, 社交媒体, 营销技术(MarTech), 搜索引擎优化(搜索引擎优化), 有机搜索引擎优化, 转化率优化(CRO), 搜索引擎优化工具, 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 付费广告, 漏斗优化, 营销自动化, 数字营销, 社交媒体设计, 销售业绩, 产品营销, B2C营销, 客户细分, 社交媒体管理, 页面搜索引擎优化, 铅一代, 漏斗营销, 应用商店优化(麻生太郎), 广告活动, 漏斗分析, 搜索引擎优化营销, 谷歌AdWords, 活动管理, 品牌营销, 社交媒体活动, A / B测试, 搜索引擎优化内容, 写作 & 编辑, LinkedIn营销, 产品定位, 谷歌搜索引擎优化, 线下搜索引擎优化, 关键字研究, 社交媒体发帖, Instagram营销, 数字广告, 市场营销分析, 谷歌标签管理器, LinkedIn的广告, 应用商店营销, 首席营销官(CMO), 点击付费(PPC), TikTok广告, Facebook营销, 谷歌付费广告, 营销业务, 电子邮件广告, 链接建设, 营销领导, 麻生太郎

平台 & 工具

谷歌分析, Ahrefs, Instagram广告, Taboola, 谷歌 Data Studio, Facebook广告经理, 广告工具 & 平台


谷歌搜索控制台,HTML, CSS


SaaS, B2B, 企业对消费者(B2C), 企业对企业(B2B), 软件即服务(SaaS), SaaS产品营销, 商业对政府(B2G)


Basecamp, 松弛, 策略, 分析思考, 用户研究, 报告, 客户服务, YouTube营销, YouTube搜索引擎优化, YouTube, 成长营销产品经理, 用户的旅行, 数字营销产品经理, 产品发布, 广告, 内容写, 网页内容, 增长的市场营销, 增长战略, 竞争对手分析 & 分析, 物流, 网站优化, 网站流量, 咨询, 咨询, 收入的策略, 关键绩效指标(kpi), 加密, Fintech, 游戏, Shopify, 电子商务, 产品的增长, 数据分析, 内容管理, 网络分析, 转化率, Figma, 登陆页优化, 启动策略, 营销归因, 教育, Edtech设计, 货币化, 谷歌显示网络, 食物 & 饮料, 谷歌地图, B2B潜在客户生成, 转换, 广告设计, 品牌定位, 合作伙伴关系, 分析, 统计数据, 直接对消费者(D2C), 付费搜索, 销售支持, 产品策略, 演出经济, 产品管理, 产品路线图, 定价策略, 客户获取成本(CAC), 五星插件, 本地广告, 领导, Instagram, 市场研究, 数据分析, 适应市场, 跟踪, 营销计划, 需求一代, 手机用户获取, 获取客户, 营销材料, 数字媒体, 销售策略, 创业公司, 营销计划, 专业服务, 谷歌, 付费媒体, 投标管理, 网站审核, 业务发展, 广告优化, 搜索引擎优化技术, 审计, 整合营销, 程序化的广告, 客人发, 语气, 在线声誉管理, 游戏化, 焦点小组, 播客营销, 语音搜索优化



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